Quad Use

The Student Affairs office is the administering office for any requests to use the academic quad and/or to hang a banner on campus. All organizations must follow the campus Posting and Advertising Policy. Applications must be submitted online at least 2 business days prior to any campus organization use of the quad or hanging of a banner on campus. Additionally, all fundraising activities require approval by the Director of the Hunt Union and must follow the campus Selling, Fund Raising and Commercial Activity Policy. (Door-to-door solicitation in campus buildings, including residence halls, is prohibited.)

Unsponsored Organizations must follow the Policy for Reserving the Quad for Unsponsored Speakers/ Groups and submit the Application for Use of the Academic Quad by Unsponsored Organizations at least 5 days prior to any proposed use of space.

Quad reservations will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Use of the campus quad is limited to non-amplified activities. Activities must take place out of the flow of traffic. In case of rain or other inclement weather, tables and chairs will not be set up. As the representative from any organization, the representative must understand the responsibilities of sponsorship of this activity. No members of the organization may derive any personal gain from this activity. There must be a member of the organization present at all times during this activity and a noticeable sign must be displayed showing the sponsorship.

Please Note:
Recognized Campus Organizations and offices need to request space online. SUNY Oneonta uses EMS Campus, which can be accessed at events.oneonta.edu. On the right side of your screen, select “book now” either under “Academic Space” or “Event Space”. Then complete the information on left-hand side and follow the prompts. Be sure to indicate if you need tables and/or chairs and how many you need. Once you have submitted your request, please check your Oneonta email frequently as we will respond to requests using that method of contact. Student groups will be asked for the email address of your campus advisor for authorization of your activity.

Once your reservation has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email.