Posting & Advertising on Campus

Approved by the President
August 2, 2011

Latest Revision
October 4, 2024

Policy Contact
Office of Facilities & Safety

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the State University of New York (SUNY) to ensure that recognized student organizations, university programs, departments, and units that want to share information about upcoming events and activities are able to do so through various means of communication, including postings like flyers and posters.

This policy sets forth the criteria and responsibilities for the temporary display of posters, flyers, signs, chalking, banners, canvassing and any other form of display on campus and other university property.


SUNY reserves the right to manage posting and advertising on its campus to maintain an orderly and attractive venue, prevent damage, ensure safety, provide fair and equal access to posting opportunities, maintain a respectful environment, and ensure that postings comply with institutional policies, procedures, values, and mission.

Applicability of the Policy

This Policy applies to all SUNY Oneonta employees, faculty, staff, students, university organizations/programs/departments/offices/units, and any third-party entities/individuals that may wish to post or advertise on campus.

For policy on entities and individuals who wish to use SUNY Oneonta facilities or grounds for events of any size, please refer to the Facilities Use Policy.


  • Postings - Advertisements, announcements, promotions, signs, bulletins, etc., typically printed on paper and in the form of a flyer, poster, postcard, banner, letter, leaflet, etc.
  • Banner - A piece of fabric, vinyl, or canvas with a message printed on it used for advertising or promotional purposes.
  • Campus Community - Made up of individuals that are currently and directly affiliated with the college, such as students, faculty, staff, administrators, registered student organizations, campus governance units, academic departments, campus departments/offices, and college committees.
  • Canvassing - The act of soliciting support, distributing literature, or engaging in conversations to promote a cause, candidate, or organization.
  • Chalking - The act of writing or drawing with chalk on a surface. Chalking on campus is only permitted on sidewalks and in conjunction with a properly registered event.
  • Event Wayfinding Signs - A sign used to guide people to a specific event location on campus. These may be made of plastic or material other than paper, can come in the form of a step-stake lawn sign and can be affixed to a sandwich board/a-frame.
  • Third-party Entities Individuals and Organizations - All other individuals or groups that are not members of the campus community as defined above or otherwise unaffiliated with the university.


  1. Posting requirements:

    Postings should be related to university business, activities, announcements, etc.

    Postings from campus community members/groups must contain, at minimum, the name of the sponsoring department/club/organization/person, event details, and the SA logo for student organizations. (approval details and posting date must be included for boards that require them) Contact information (phone, email), web addresses and QR codes are acceptable for directing people to additional information.

    Postings by third-party entities/individuals/organizations must explicitly indicate the event/content is not affiliated with SUNY Oneonta, include the name of the sponsoring person/group, and list contact information including an active phone number or email address.

    Postings, with the exception of banners and event wayfinding signs, should be printed on paper. Postings of any other material must be approved by the Office of Facilities and Safety.

    Chalking and canvassing are only permitted when done in conjunction with a properly registered event. All events must follow space reservation/registration procedures and adhere to the Facilities Use and Freedom of Expression and Assembly Policies. Chalking is only permitted on exterior sidewalks and will be washed off at the discretion of Facilities management.

    No flag other than the Flag of the United States, the Flag of the State of New York, and/or the university flag is permitted to be displayed on a permanent basis. Other flags may be used as part of approved assemblies and displayed only in ways that are in accordance with the procedures below.

  2. Posting Locations:

    Except for banners or event wayfinding signs, postings are to be placed only on general-use bulletin boards. Posting on bulletin boards that are reserved for departments, offices, or organizations requires the permission of that group.

    Guidelines and applications for use of the electronic display boards are available on the Hunt Union website.

    Banners may be displayed outdoors in designated areas (Schumacher bus stop and the junction between upper and lower quads) by reservation through Student Affairs, 119 Netzer. Permission is granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Exceptions for banners to be displayed in other areas on campus for special, campus-wide events (e.g., commencement, family weekend, open house) may be obtained from the Office of Facilities and Safety.

    Event wayfinding signs may be placed on grass, sidewalks, or in corridors. They must not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    Chalking is only permitted on exterior sidewalks and in conjunction with a properly registered event.

  3. Prohibited posting content/locations:

    SUNY Oneonta encourages free expression and open dialogue and protects academic freedom, which are central principles to the mission of higher education. Posted content will not be restricted unless it violates the law, prohibitions below, other conditions of this policy, or is incompatible with/obstructs the university’s regular operations/function.

    Prohibited locations:

    • Postings are not permitted to be placed on/affixed to any doors, windows, indoor and outdoor walls, elevator walls/doors, vehicles, trees, light poles, bus stops, benches roadways, or any other unapproved university property.
    • Chalking/painting/drawing on university property is not permitted unless it adheres to the chalking procedures above.
    • Postings may not be placed over current/valid postings of other organizations, and students are prohibited from removing or tearing down current/valid postings of other organizations."
    Prohibited content:
    No posting may contain defamatory, discriminatory, or inappropriate content. This includes any content that is:
    • obscene
    • libelous
    • slanderous
    • racist
    • sexist
    • threatening
    • discriminatory against anyone’s race, color, or national origin - including someone's citizenship/residency in a country with a dominant religion/ideology or distinct religious identity or actual or perceived shared ancestry /ethnic characteristics
    • defamatory - defined as false statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups, or organizations
    • inappropriate - defined as obscene, harassing, derogatory, or otherwise offensive to the diverse campus community
    • in unjustifiable violation of privacy or confidentiality

    Reports of such content should be made immediately to UPD, Student Affairs, Residential Life, or by filing a bias acts report. SUNY Oneonta will promptly investigate all reports. Individuals found responsible for posting such content may face disciplinary actions, including warnings, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, or legal action.

    • Postings may not include any suggestion of the availability of alcohol or illicit drugs or promotion of their consumption. Postings that include these suggestions may be removed.
    • Posting materials shall not promote behavior that violates state and federals laws and university policy.
  4. Removal of Postings

    Board administrators (if applicable), building/department administrators, or other administrators may remove postings that:

    • reference events that have already occurred
    • contain obsolete information
    • are inappropriately attached or affixed to a prohibited location (see above)
    Postings with content that may fall under the list of prohibited content above may be removed and retained by building administrators, the Chief Janitor (or designee), or other administrators, faculty or staff until Student Affairs can review the material. Upon review, postings may be permanently removed, require revisions, or be found to contain no violation. Any postings in violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action as listed above.

    Postings that violate the conditions of this policy and procedures may be removed by board administrators. Repeated violations will result in the loss of posting privileges and possible disciplinary action.


The Request to Hang Banner form is available in the Office of Student Affairs (Netzer 119), and online.


Questions about this policy should be directed to:

Department of Facilities & Safety

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