Application Checklist

In addition to the standard DICAS application, your completed application to Oneonta's online M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics Program must include all required forms as outlined below. Required forms can be downloaded from this webpage. Please use care and be professional when compiling your application material.

SUNY Oneonta's online M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics Program differs significantly from traditional programs because graduate students complete their supervised experiential learning hours in their home or chosen communities. Thus, prior to applying to Oneonta, applicants must identify facilities and preceptors with whom they can accomplish their supervised experiential learning rotations. All Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Forms for all preceptors must be uploaded as scanned original signed copies, or digitally signed using Adobe Acrobat by your preceptor. View more details on the types of preceptors needed for the program.

Note: Applicants who are not SUNY Oneonta alumni will be required to pay an additional $50 application fee directly to the University if their application is selected for review. Information on how to pay this fee will be emailed directly to applicants.

If you have any questions about the application requirements outlined here please contact Dr. Kelly Martin DCN, RDN, CDN, Program Director at, or contact the Graduate Admissions Office at or 607-436-2523.

Students applying to SUNY Oneonta’s online M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics Program are required to submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended via DICAS. Transcripts are not considered official unless they are sent directly from the colleges' registrars office.

Applicants should have a grade-point average of at least 3.0 for all undergraduate program coursework based on 4.0 system.

For students who have not yet graduated, official transcripts must show all coursework and grades through at least the first semester of the senior year. For students who have graduated, one transcript must indicate that a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent was awarded from a regionally accredited institution.

Important Note for Oneonta Student Applicants and Oneonta Alumni Applicants: Any current Oneonta students or Oneonta alumni will not need to request or submit their own official transcripts from SUNY Oneonta. Upon receipt of your application, your Oneonta transcript will automatically be added to your local Oneonta application file at no cost to you. However, you must still request official transcripts for DICAS purposes for other programs and from any other previous colleges you have attended.

Submit a double-spaced word-processed letter of application that is no more than three pages in length. It is appropriate to use standard business-letter format. Please include the following:

Your reasons for applying to the SUNY Oneonta’s online M.S. Nutrition and Dietetics Program

  • Evidence of your personal and professional growth and achievement
  • Evidence of having developed the ability to assume considerable responsibility for your own learning
  • Career objectives
  • Previous experience with distance learning and/or independent learning
  • An analysis of your strengths and weaknesses that are relevant to completing this online program
  • If appropriate, additional context needed in order that the application information can be reviewed in perspective.

The selection committee will note your ability to follow directions, spell, construct sentences properly, use grammar, and your ability to communicate your thoughts clearly and concisely.

As part of the online application you will be asked to provide contact information for three professional references. Each reference will receive an automated email from DICAS with a custom link to an online recommendation form. Once the form has been submitted by your reference it will be automatically attached to your application in DICAS. Please be sure to input up to date contact information and speak to your references before inputting their information within the application.

Recommendations should be from your major professors and/or professionals who have supervised your work within the past two years. It is not appropriate to include recommendations from relatives, friends or other people who know you socially. It is also not appropriate to include recommendations from those you supervise or work with as peers.

Memorandum of Understanding for Additional Preceptors
School Foodservice | Office of the Aging | Long Term Care | WIC | Pediatrics | Critical Care | Renal | Hospital Foodservice

Submit the Preceptor Facility Form for Community Health Intervention Project (CHIP)

Submit the Memorandum of Understanding for Community Health Intervention Project (CHIP) Preceptors

If you are an applicant from a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD Program) you will be required to submit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' "Intent to Complete" form or the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' "Verification of Completion" form. (See your DPD program director to obtain either of these forms.)

Be prepared to answer a question on DICAS regarding whether you meet the program’s technology requirements (own a computer, have access to the internet, etc.).

Be prepared to confirm that you are a student member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on DICAS (proof may be requested by the program).

Non-citizen residents must submit a copy of their green card on DICAS.