M.S.-Nutrition and Dietetics Program (Online)

SUNY Oneonta is ranked #2 in the nation on EduMed.org's 2023-24 list of Best Online Nutrition Master's Degrees.
SUNY Oneonta is ranked #2 in the nation on EduMed.org's 2023-24 list of Best Online Nutrition Master's Degrees.
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Graduate Student Emily Shaver Presenting Graduate Research
Graduate Student Emily Shaver Presenting Graduate Research

About the Program

SUNY Oneonta's M.S.-Nutrition and Dietetics Program is a one-year (three-semester), full-time, intensive program that begins in May/June and ends the following May. This is a 36-credit non-thesis masters program that includes 1,180 supervised experiential learning hours and a culminating community health intervention project that can be completed in a variety of settings.

Because this program is online, graduate students remain in their own communities while completing online graduate courses and supervised experiential learning rotations. Applicants locate their own Registered Dietitian (RD) preceptors and supervised experiential learning facilities, where they spend 32-40 hours each week applying their knowledge and developing entry-level skills. Students typically spend another 12-15 hours each week completing online readings, assignments, projects, and discussing issues with faculty and other students.

The program begins in late May, with a virtual orientation. Students must identify Registered Dietitians with at least one year of experience willing to fulfill the role of preceptors at the sites needed to meet the required hours of supervised experiential learning within the program. Find out more about the preceptor requirements for our program. In addition, the forms preceptors must complete can be found on our application checklist.

Upon successful completion of this program graduate students will be awarded a M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics and are eligible to take the Registration Examination for Dietitians.

Applicants interested in applying should reach out to us via email for assistance and information as they prepare their application. Our program participates in DICAS (Dietetics Inclusive Centralized Application Service). Please review the application checklist portion of the website for more information on how to apply. All applicants are required to upload all materials on the application checklist to DICAS at the time they apply. Our program only reviews applications submitted on DICAS.

To qualify as an applicant you must have a current verification statement or intent to complete form OR have completed a list of pre-requisite requirements (which can be found under the "How to Apply" tab on the left side of the screen), have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, and have taken coursework within the last five years. The GRE exam is not required.

The program begins in late May, with a virtual orientation. Students must identify experienced Registered Dietitians with at least one year of experience) willing to fulfill the role of preceptors and the sites needed to meet the required hours of supervised experiential learning within the program.

The M.S.-Nutrition and Dietetics Program follows the Academic Calendar.

Requirements and Process to Become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN):

Credentialing is the formal recognition of professional or technical competence by certification or licensure. For dietitians, the national professional credential is the RD/RDN - Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

RD/RDNs are food and nutrition experts who have met the following criteria:

  • Completed an educational and supervised experiential learning program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). The SUNY Oneonta MS-Nutrition & Dietetics program is accredited under the Graduate Degree (Future Education Model) Accreditation Standards. These accreditation standards integrate didactic coursework with supervised experiential learning in a competency-based curriculum designed to prepare nutrition and dietetics practitioners for future practice.
  • Passed a national examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). Additionally, dietitians are required to complete continuing professional educational requirements to maintain registration. Graduates of the SUNY Oneonta MS-Nutrition & Dietetics program will be eligible to take the CDR credentialing exam to become a RD/RDN.
  • While state interpretations of statutes may vary, it is ACEND's considered opinion that the program meets the educational requirements for dietetics licensure and certification in all states. However, completing an ACEND-accredited academic program alone does not qualify an individual for licensure or certification as a dietitian in any state. Individuals should review their state's licensing statutes and regulations to understand the specific requirements, including supervised practice and examinations, needed to obtain a dietetics license. More information about state licensure and certification can be found at this link: State Licensure.”


  • 96% one-year pass rate on the RD exam
  • 100% retention rate
  • 100% job placement rate

How to Apply