Integrated Continuous Improvement Structure

Goals of the structure include:

  • Reduce workload
  • Simplified process
  • Create more meaningful and useful assessments
  • Integrate assessments into institutional planning structures
  • Aligned deadline for academic plans and reports
  • Ongoing integrated planning cycle designed for use of assessment findings

Committee structure - Assessment Council

The University Assessment Advisory Council will serve in an advisory capacity to the President’s Cabinet, university governance, faculty and staff by collaborating with areas across the institution to enrich the quality and effectiveness of institutional assessment practices. This committee will also serve the critical function of synthesizing assessment reports, making connections to strategic initiatives, and providing recommendations based on the assessment findings.

The University Assessment Advisory Council will be convened by the Assessment Specialist and co-chaired by one faculty member. The University Assessment Advisory Council will make recommendations, but it is not a decision-making body.

Each sub-committee will continue to meet as the members deem necessary to complete their work and report out through governance on key findings and recommendations for use of assessment findings. General Education assessment findings will go to the General Education Committee for decisions on how to implement.

Administrative units will work directly with Assessment Specialist on operational assessment

All non-compliance issues will be forwarded to the appropriate dean. Committee members will serve in the capacity of peer mentors, rather than enforcers.

The continous improvement cycle is a seven year process with the first six years being annual yearly and departmental reports. These reports focus on planning, collecting, reflecting, and improving the programs. The seventh year focuses on the academic program review.