The University Senate

The University Senate is the representative body through which faculty, staff, and students participate in shared governance and university affairs at SUNY Oneonta. It provides a forum for the campus community to participate in the initiation, development, and implementation of the educational mission of the university. The University Senate is empowered to act for SUNY Oneonta faculty in all matters, procedures, and prerogatives in its meetings.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee sets the agendas for University Senate meetings, creates ad hoc committees as necessary, and coordinates the work of the senate. It also determines problems for study, delegates problems to the appropriate standing or ad hoc committees, and reviews and coordinates the work of all standing committees. Lastly, it functions as a rules committee to formulate rules of procedure for the University Senate’s consideration, and to interpret rules established by the senate. Members are elected to their positions.

Faculty Committees

Standing Faculty Committees are a part of shared governance at SUNY Oneonta. Based on the university bylaws, these committees operate within the framework of accepted policy, and have the responsibility and power to study problems within their jurisdictions, consult, recommend actions, present draft policy statements, and recommend position designations.

Committees are required to meet at least once per year, hold open meetings, distribute meeting minutes to the faculty, and present a yearly report to the Senate.

University Faculty Senate

The University Faculty Senate consists of the Chancellor of the University and representatives from each state-operated and contract college (33 colleges total), making the UFS one of the largest faculty governance organizations in the country.

The UFS serves as a resource on governance for the University and a deliberative body on educational policies for the SUNY System. In this capacity, it issues publications such as handbooks, directories and reports on matters such as budget, program revision and presidential searches. The SUNY UFS web site is designed to be a repository for documents and information produced by the University Faculty Senate. You may also find information at the archival UFS site at


Keith Jones
Presiding Officer of the Faculty and Senate Chair
Associate Professor 10 Months
Math, Computer Science, Statistics
262 Fitzelle Hall

Gina Solano
Secretary of the Faculty
Assistant Professor 10 Months
Secondary Education + Educational Technology
313 Fitzelle Hall