Communication & Media FAQs

Communication Media Studio

Current Students

Q: What majors are offered by the Department of Communication and Media?

A: Information about the department’s majors, including requirements, can be found on the “Majors & Programs” page.

Q: When/where do I declare, change, or drop a Communication and Media major?

A: To declare, change, or drop a Communication and Media major, students need to bring a “Declaration or Change of Major/Conc/Degree/Advisor” form to the department's office to be signed. The form then needs to be submitted to the Academic Advisement Center.

Q: Does the Department of Communication and Media offer minors?

A: Yes, the Department of Communication and Media offers minors in Communication Studies and Media Studies. More information about the department’s minors, including requirements, can be found on the “Majors & Programs” page.

Q: When/where do I declare a minor?

A: To declare a minor, students should fill out the appropriate paperwork with Academic Advisement. When applying for graduation, students should make sure to complete the minor section. The registrar will confirm after graduation that students have completed the minor requirements.

Q: Does my minor show up DegreeWorks?

A: No. The classes students take toward a minor will show up on DegreeWorks, but DegreeWorks will not indicate a student has a minor until they apply for graduation. That in mind, it is a student's responsibility to ensure they are taking all necessary classes required for a minor.

Q: How do I arrange an internship?

A: To arrange an internship, interested students need to complete an internship application (link) and contact the department’s internship coordinator, Assistant Professor Jacqueline Bishop. Application deadlines for internships are as follows: December 1 for spring semester, May 1 for summer term, and August 1 for fall semester. To learn more about internships, including the requirements for taking an internship, please see the “Why Comm and Media” page.

Q: Do I have to complete an internship?

A: While internships are not required for Communication and Media students, internships are highly recommended. To learn more about the potential benefits of an internship, please see the Internships page.

Q: How do I find out who my advisor is?

A: Advisor information can be found on the top of your DegreeWorks page.

Q: What is the best way to contact my advisor?

A: Contact information for faculty members can be found on the “Faculty” page. Students should contact their advisors directly if they wish to set up a meeting.

Q: Can I study abroad?

A: Yes, students in the Department of Communication and Media have the ability to study abroad. More information about SUNY Oneonta study abroad opportunities is available here.


Communication and Media
Location: IRC - B12
Phone: 607-436-3411
Fax: 607-436-2420