Communication & Media Department

Communication & Media
Communication & Media

The Department of Communication and Media houses a community of thriving teachers, scholars, artists, and practitioners across the fields of Communication Studies and Media Studies, bringing 21st-century approaches to the study of communication to SUNY Oneonta. Whether our students move on to the professional world or continue their education in graduate studies, our goal is to facilitate their growth to meet the demands of the increasingly complex, complicated, dynamic, and globalizing world. Our program offers a Bachelor of Science degree focused in one of these two areas of study:

Our exciting and innovative curriculum, which positions the study of communication and media as essential and indispensable skills, helps prepare students to be successful professional communicators and informed and engaged citizens of the world.

Faculty Spotlight

Pacifica Welcomes Andrew Bottomley SUNY Oneonta’s WONY Advisor. How a New York State University’s 60-Year Commitment to a Student-Run Station Inspires Media Smart Citizens and Carries New Voices to its Local Community.

Read Pacifica's Interview


Department Chair

Greg Hummel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Communication and Media
Paula Trask, Administrative Assistant 1
Location: IRC B12
Phone: 607-436-3411
Fax: 607-436-2420

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