2016-2017 | Past Exhibitions Archive

MYTH vs REALITY: Sarah Bradshaw and Lorelei Olk
Project Space Gallery April 27-May 13 2017

April 29, 5:30-6:30pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Myth vs Reality poster

Art Conference 2017
Hamblin Theater

Thursday, April 13

Art History Conference

Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition 2017
Martin-Mullen Art Gallery, April 10- May 13.

April 13, 5-7PM
Awards 6PM

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Annual 2017

STANDING ALONE by Ashley Warner
Gallery Lobby Exhibition Hall, April 10-28, 2017

April 27, 4:30-5:30pm

Hours: Building hours

STANDING ALONE by Ashley Warner

Project Space Gallery March 30- April 14

March 30, 5:30-6:30pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

The College Dream

it's all about Paint: group student show
Project Space Gallery Feb. 27-March 15

March 2, 5-7pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

It's All About Paint

Celestial/Terrestrial: Jill Parisi and Alexandra Davis
Martin-Mullen Art Gallery
, January 23-March 17

January 26, 5-7pm
Gallery talk 6pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Celestial/Terrestrial: Jill Parisi and Alexandra Davis

Community Heroes In Portraiture
Project Space Gallery, January 18-February 17

January 19, 5-7pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Community Heroes

Sarah Tucker & Noah Barton:

Project Space Gallery, December 5-20, 2016

December 8,
5:30-6:30 pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Sarah Tucker & Noah Barton: EXPRESSING Â HER/HIMSELF

Sue Coe: Porkopolis, Animals and Industry
Courtesy Galerie St. Etienne, NYC

Martin-Mullen Art Gallery, November 7-December 20
November 10,5-7pm

Artist lecture at 5:30 Hamblin Theatre followed by refreshments and Q&A

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Sue Coe

Michelle Morales:
Bello, Bonito, Bolivia
Project Space Gallery, November 7-November 22

November 9, 5-6pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Michelle Morales: Bello, Bonito, Bolivia

Danny DeRusso

Gallery Lobby Exhibition Hall, November 7-22

November 9, 5-6pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Danny DeRusso

Prints from the Print Studio: Class project

Gallery Lobby, October 19-November 4

November 9 ,5-6pm

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

Prints from the Print Studio: Class project

Eliza Greenberg:
She Is
October 12-27

Project Space Gallery

Opening Reception:
October 13, 4-5, PM

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

"Eliza Greenberg" poster

Faculty Art Exhibit

Martin-Mullen Art Gallery, September 6-October 21

September 8,5-7pm

Event: Oct. 19, 3-4PM Round Table Discussion

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

design by  Katherine Spitzhoff

Faculty Art Exhibition

Student Recipient Exhibition, Jean Parish Memorial Scholarship 2015-16
September 6- September 30

Project Space Gallery

Closing Reception:
September 29, 4-6 PM Funded through the estate gift of Jean Parish, Faculty Emerita, Art, to the SUNY Oneonta Foundation

Hours: M-F 11-5PM

design by Amanda Patti

Student Recipient Exhibition, Jean Parish Memorial Scholarship 2015-16

The ArcOtsego presents: Voice! 12
Martin-Mullen Art Gallery July 28-August 11

Opening Reception:
July 28, 5:00 -7PM

Hours: M-F 11-2PM Sat. 11-1

Congratulations to Tom Carr, Cover Artist Image: Yeah Yellow


The ArcOtsego presents: Voice! 12