Past Exhibitions

Art Across Campus: 2025

Project Space Gallery
On view: January 21 - February 15, 2025
Reception: Thursday, February 6, 5-7 p.m. (inclement weather date: Thursday, February 13, 5-7 p.m.)
Rithmomachia Game Night: Thursday, February 6, 2025, 6-8 p.m. (inclement weather date: Thursday, February 13, 6-8 p.m.)

Art Across Campus: 2025 is the newest exhibition in an annual series that showcases the creative final projects by students across campus from a diverse range of majors and focuses. This semester’s exhibition features student work submitted by Dr. Suriati Abas (Elementary Education and Reading), Dr. Nathan Asman (Music), Dr. Elizabeth Cruzado Carranza (Anthropology), Dr. Kim Fierke (Sport and Exercise Sciences), Dr. Toke Knudsen (Mathematics Department) in collaboration with Professor Jian Cui (Art) and Dr. Zdenek Tronicek (Computer Science), and Dr. Sheena Mason (English).

Poster Design by Michael Conté.


Open Space Gallery
On view: November 19 – December 14, 2024
Reception: Thursday, November 21, 2024, 5-7 p.m.

Faces is a solo show of new photography by Kento Igarashi (SUNY Oneonta ‘24) selected from the Gallery’s semesterly Project Open Call. It is a collection of engaging portraits taken in and around Oneonta, NY. According to the artist: “I photographed people who welcomed me. They did not reject me even though I came from a far different culture, with a different language. Photography became my universal language. The photos displayed for the project will be my thanks to the community who supported me."

Poster design by Kento Igarashi.

Little Blue Ribbon by Wesley Bernard


Project Space Gallery
On view: November 5 – December 14, 2024
Reception: Thursday, November 21, 2024, 5-7 p.m.

Wesley Bernard – a northern Arizona native, photographer, and educator – embraces the process of the documentary story, offering viewers intriguing visual narratives. With the Little Blue Ribbon series, Bernard continues his agricultural documentation work, widening its scope to include the rituals and life in agricultural rural areas, specifically at the County Fair. This series is a study of young blue ribbon winners for livestock. Each image was taken on site shortly after the young farmers won and they are posed with the animals that they have raised, cared for, and competed with. The unabashed joy clearly visible in each participants’ face, often accompanied by the sweat and dust of their recent competition, offers a sincere perspective and displays their unquestionable dedication to their work. Bernard has worked as a professional photographer for over thirty years and is currently an Assistant Professor of Photography here at SUNY Oneonta, where he teaches traditional film, darkroom, digital imagery, and History of Photography classes.

Poster design by Alaina Rullo.



Martin-Mullen Gallery
On view: October 22 – December 14, 2024
Reception: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 5-7 p.m.

Beyond the Classroom is a group show featuring work by SUNY Oneonta Art Department's Adjunct Faculty. Showing a variety of mediums from ceramics, to painting, photography, and quilting, this exhibition is a celebration of the independent artistic practices of our Adjunct Art Faculty members. It includes work by Timothy Atticus, Ashley Norwood Cooper, Luke Dougherty, David Kenny, Leah McDonald, Colleen O'Hara, Chris Pettingill, Madeline Silber, Carrie Mae Smith and Janet Wentworth Erickson.

Poster design by Alaina Rullo.



Open Space Gallery
On view: October 1 – November 7, 2024 (while classes are in session or by appointment)
Reception: Thursday, October 24, 2024, 5-7 p.m.

Twin Visions is a solo show of double exposure photographs by Sean Eaves (SUNY Oneonta ‘25) selected from the Gallery’s semesterly Project Open Call. By digitally manipulating and overlaying two different photographs, Eaves has created a series of hauntingly familiar black and white images where the viewer often feels off-balance or unsure and is consistently left with the need to look deeper, both to pull apart the two images in their mind and to untangle the perceived meaning of their combined composition. The main objective of this work is to show that even though daily life may seem boring at times, there is always something beautiful to be seen if you’re looking. Through this exhibition, Eaves hopes to show a new perspective on how people view the world around them, bringing two aspects of life together to create something whole and beautiful—two moments in time forever intertwined.

Poster design by Alaina Rullo.

Hartwick X SUNY Oneonta Student Show 2024 CANO (Community Arts Network Oneonta)

Hartwick X SUNY Oneonta Student Show 2024
CANO (Community Arts Network Oneonta)

Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Ave, Oneonta, NY 13820
On view: October 10 - 20, 2024
Reception: Friday, October 18, 2024, 5-6:30pm

The Hartwick X SUNY Oneonta Student Show is an ongoing collaboration between Hartwick's Foreman Gallery and the Galleries at SUNY Oneonta on view at CANO in downtown Oneonta. SUNY Oneonta is featuring the work of six students: Sean Eaves, Noël Lyman, Jessie Reed, Lexi Rockefeller, Alaina Rullo, and Helena Williams. Hartwick is featuring the work of ten students: Parker Canedy, Atti Dinsmore, Cat Dubin, Ella Van Engen, Bailey A. Ernst, Riley Ingle, Billie Metcalf, Ash Rhodes, Alex Stanton, and Aaliyah Williams.

Poster design by Joseph Van Stengel.

Project Open Call 2024 poster


Project Space Gallery
On view: October 1 – 26, 2024 (while classes are in session or by appointment)
Reception: Thursday, October 24, 2024, 5-7 p.m.

Project Open Call: Fall 2024 is a group show of new work submitted by SUNY Oneonta students to the Gallery's semesterly open call. Featuring work by: Lulu Q. Burkowski, Michael Conte, Jeanine Gonzalez, Sarah Green, Victoria Hallenbeck, Kento Igarashi, Olivia Rose MacGiffert, Izzy Madori, and Lexi Rockefeller. Project Open Call is an open call program that accepts applications at the end of every semester for consideration in student shows in the following semester. Students may submit either personal work or course work, and can apply for inclusion in a curated group exhibition or with an original idea for a solo or group show.

Poster design by Alaina Rullo.



Martin-Mullen Art Gallery
On view: August 20 - October 4, 2024 (while classes are in session or by appointment)
Reception: Thursday, September 12, 5-7 p.m.

UNDOINGS is a solo exhibition by Binghamton-based artist Anna Warfield (she/they) featuring her fabric sculptures, artist books, and drawings. Their work, both in its physical presentation and the original poetry, engages with ideas related to the body, re-learning, and identity. At first blush, the viewer is lulled into an easy assumption of femininity. The extremely touchable bubble letters, in pastel shades of pink and blue, are intentionally aligned with dated ideas of what a woman “should” be: soft, pliable, gentle. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see that this assumption is not reality. This show demands an active presence and critical thinking; use this opportunity to reassess your assumptions and allow the artist to reframe your perspective.

Poster design by Victoria Villaverde.

Helena Williams poster


Open Space Gallery
On view: August 27- September 21, 2024
Reception: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 4-6 p.m.

Earth-Written is a solo show of large-scale illustrations by Helena “H” Williams (SUNY Oneonta ‘25) selected from the Gallery’s semesterly Project Open Call and created during her twelve-week summer residency at the Adirondack Interpretive Center in Newcomb, NY. This series is about the stories we extract from our experiences with nature and the many hidden components that make up the visions of wonder that can be found in the woods. It’s a story that represents something special to every viewer and can never be told the same way twice. With this exhibition, Williams seeks to share her fascination with exploring the wilderness and her countless memories of exciting finds and inspiring sights. A good adventure into the wilderness is made by how we share the passion it inspires within us.

Jean Parish poster


Project Space Gallery
On view: August 27- September 21, 2024
Reception: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 4-6 p.m.

Jean Parish Scholarship: 2024-2025 is a group exhibition featuring work by the 2024-2025 student recipients of the Jean Parish Scholarship: Sean Eaves, Ryan Eno, Kento Igarashi, Amy Kosina, Noël Lyman, Jessie Reed, Lexi Rockefeller, and Alaina Rullo. Student remarks will begin at 4:30 p.m. on the night of the reception.

Poster design by Alaina Rullo.

Classification and Visualization: Explorations in SUNY Oneonta’s Herbarium


Martin-Mullen Art Gallery
On view: July 11 - 26, 2024
Summer hours: Monday - Friday, 10-2 p.m.
Reception: Thursday, July 11, 2024, 5-6:30 p.m.

VOICE! is an annual juried art exhibition featuring art from across New York State. It celebrates the creative voices of artists with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. VOICE! reminds us of the power of art to transcend disability and stereotypes to reveal our common ground and celebrate our unique abilities. Learn more about the Voice! 20 event and the Arc Otsego.