Art Resources

Art Wall Screen Printing Drawing
Earth Day Art Board

Student Resources

Undergraduate Academic Catalog
The official academic catalog contains updated information on degree requirements and course descriptions.

Open/closed courses
Search for courses offered during the current or past semesters, and see if there are open seats.

Transfer Course Equivalency Search
Search to see how courses you took at another institution would transfer to SUNY Oneonta.


  • Internships
  • Grants and Fellowships The Grants Development Office has a variety of grants available for students to pursue research and creative activities
  • Exhibitions The Project Space Gallery is available to art students for solo or group exhibitions.


The Art Department has articulation agreements with two major European art institutions:


Faculty Resources

Academic calendar
SUNY Oneonta News & Events

A list of resources for the faculty and staff:

Forms and Help

Classroom Resources

Log in with your SUNY Oneonta username and password if prompted (same as your email)

Free Online Resources

Policies and Papers

Professional Development

Art Department Facebook Logo

Join the Art Department Facebook Community
Become part of the Art Department online community by joining our Facebook group!

It is an excellent way to be in touch with current students and alumni, to network, to share resources, and to take advantage of posted exhibition, job, and internship opportunities.

Joining the group does NOT make your profile public or open to other group members.