Art Internships

Ceramics Class
Ayana Nana Painting

The SUNY Oneonta Art Department's internship program offers opportunities to earn college credit while working on-site in a professional setting. Internship experiences often become a factor in locating employment upon graduation.

Qualified juniors and seniors can earn from 1 to 15 credits by working at a business or institution related to their field of interest. During an internship, students gain first-hand experience in the day to day operations of businesses, corporations, galleries, or schools.

Helen & Michel Casper Fellowship for Internship Support: This fellowship was created through charitable gifts by 1975 SUNY Oneonta graduate Andrea Casper in honor and memory of her parents, the Helen & Michael Casper Fellowship for Internship Support is intended to make internship experiences more accessible to students. In the past, the committee has funded students travel, relocation and living expenses, tuition, and assisted in offsetting lost wages due to unpaid internships. Enrolled students interning this summer for academic credit or for related experience (non-credit) are highly encouraged to apply. Please view the CPNC website for additional information and to view other scholarship opportunities.

Nationwide: Burke/Triola Productions, South Pasadena, CA, Interactive Direct, Tampa Florida, SONY Music/Epic Records

Metropolitan New York City: MTV, Scholastics Magazine, Mixer Magazine, Crush Music Management, Free Arts NYC, Smart Source Group, Bertelsmann Inc., Seamen Society for Children & Families.

New York State: Albany Center Gallery, Spotlight Newspapers, Delmar, Designer Interiors of Ballston, Burnt Hills, Circulars Unlimited, Norwich, Mill Street Loft, a Multi-Arts Educational Center, Poughkeepsie, Atmatek, Digital Programming & Web Design, Worcester, Mead, Sidney,, Nexstar Broadcasting Inc.(News Channel 9), Sign Language, Richmondville, Smithy Center for the Arts, Systemax, Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Bainbridge, Guilford, Central School, NYS Offices of General Services, Central Printing & Copy Center, Albany, Mead, Sidney.

Oneonta Region: Directive, Vibrant Creative, Sweet Home Productions, Mold-A-Matic Corporation, Seeley Ceramics, Saint Mary’s School, The Village Printer, Annie’s Community Darkroom, Sandlot Kid Bat Co., Upper Catskill Community Council for the Arts, Elm Park United Methodist Church, GrafiQa, Printigree, Michael Stolzer Fine Art Gallery.

On-Campus Sites: Greek Life, Web Development Office, Art Gallery, Graphics Publication, Computer & Telecommunication Services, Office of International Studies, Facilities and Safety, SUNY Oneonta Printshop, Martin-Mullen Art Gallery.

Applying for an Internship

Art students interested in internships may find out more
information on how to apply here.