Exam Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures that individuals with disabilities can pursue opportunities that require testing by requiring testing entities to offer exams in an accessible manner.

The Accessibility Resources Testing Center is an exam proctoring service for faculty with students who use exam accommodations. If faculty are unable to provide a student with their accommodations in the classroom or have students who need a distraction-reduced environment, their students may request to take their exams in the AR Testing Center through Accommodate. Instructions for students can be found on the Accommodate Guides page. Students should submit their requests one week in advance of the exam.

Exams are camera-monitored, and students must check all bags, phones, smart watches, hats, and large jackets in a locker before starting the exam.

The AR Testing Center is open Monday through Friday. Exams can begin any time between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. All exams must be completed by 4:30 PM.

Exam accommodations are changes to the regular testing environment and auxiliary aids/services that allow individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their true aptitude or achievement level on standardized exams or other tests.

Exam accommodations apply to any timed assessment completed in a single sitting. Therefore, students with quizzes that are timed and completed in a single sitting are eligible to use their accommodations (including short quizzes and pop quizzes). Students with take-home tests that are completed over multiple days (i.e. not in a single sitting) are not eligible to use their exam accommodations for that test. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact us at sds@oneonta.edu or (607)436-2137.

Students with disabilities who have registered with Accessibility Resources, have exam accommodations listed on their Accommodation Plan, and have shared their Accommodation Plan with their instructors are eligible to receive exam accommodations. Students who meet this criteria must request their exam accommodations in advance of each exam or quiz either directly through the instructor (for online exams or exams accommodated in the classroom) or by submitting an exam request through Accommodate (for exams they would like to take in the AR Testing Center).

Registering with Accessibility Resources and assigning appropriate accommodations requires an individualized, interactive process with the student to understand the context of their disability and academic experience so far and documentation from a healthcare provider.

Exam Accommodations used by SUNY Oneonta students include, but are not limited to:

  • Alternative formats: The exam is delivered to the student in a format other than standard print such as large print, braille, or electronically to use with assistive technology.
  • Extended time (x1.5 and x2): Students receive time-and-a-half or double time for exams that will be completed in a single sitting. This does not apply to take-home exams that do not have a single-sitting time limit. If you are unsure if extended time applies to your exam, contact Accessibility Resources.
  • Exam reader: The student is eligible to use assistive technology to have their exam questions read aloud to them. For online exams, students coordinate with the Assistive Technology Specialist to install the necessary technology on their personal devices. For in-person exams taken in the AR Testing Center, Accessibility Resources provides the necessary technology.
  • Distraction-reduced environment: The student is eligible to take their exams in the AR Testing Center in a low-distraction environment such as a private room.

Visit the Student Accommodations page to learn about other common accommodations students use.

  1. Students who wish to use exam accommodations must self-identify to the Coordinator that they have a disability and are seeking accommodations and complete the Accessibility Resources registration process.
  2. Students are responsible for sharing their Accommodation Plan with their instructors AND meeting with their instructors during office hours to discuss their accommodated exam arrangements.
  3. Only approved exams will be administered in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center.
  4. Exam accommodations are not retroactive and must be requested for each exam.
  5. Accommodated exams should be scheduled at the same time and date that the class is taking the exam unless their extended time conflicts with another class or take place outside AR Testing Center Hours. In that case, the student should discuss an appropriate alternate time with their instructor.
  6. Students are responsible for requesting testing accommodations at least one week prior to the exam date. Requests for accommodations for online exams or exams in the classroom must be made directly to the instructor. Requests to take exams in the AR Testing Center must be made through Accommodate.
  7. Accessibility Resources does not guarantee the provision of service for late requests.
  8. For testing in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center, students are expected to arrive on time for their exams. The total exam time (including extended time) begins at the scheduled start time. You may not begin an exam more than 30-minutes late. If you arrive more than 30-minutes late, you will not be permitted to start the exam and will be asked to reschedule to protect the integrity of the exam.
  9. Students may not bring phones, hats, smart watches, bulky jackets, bags, laptops, or other unapproved items into the testing room.
  10. Students must complete the exam in one sitting unless otherwise approved by the instructor.
  11. Students agree that, once the exam has been given to the proctor, they may no longer have access to the exam materials.
  12. Students must adhere to the SUNY Oneonta Academic Integrity Policy, Article II Section 2 of the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Faculty may accommodate students in the classroom if they prefer to proctor their own exams.
  • Students are instructed to reach out to you via email at least one week prior to the exam date to request their accommodations.
  • Contact Accessibility Resources at sds@oneonta.edu or (607)436-2137 if you have any questions about providing classroom accommodations.

  • If faculty are unable to provide a student with their accommodations in the classroom or have students who need a distraction-reduced environment, students may request to take their exams in the AR Testing Center through Accommodate.
  • Instructions for students can be found on the Accommodate Guides page.
  • Only approved exams can be administered in the AR Testing Center. You must approve or deny the exam request in Accommodate.
  • Instructions to view and approve/deny exam requests can be found on the Accommodate Guides page.

  • The course instructor is responsible for providing extended time for all online exams and quizzes.
  • If students would like to use exam accommodations for an online exam, it is their responsibility to request those accommodations in advance of every exam or quiz directly through their instructor.
  • Students who use Assistive Technology should coordinate with Accessibility Resources to ensure their technology is compatible with online testing. Questions can be referred to the Assistive Technology Specialist, Alexa, at alexa.tumbarello@oneonta.edu.