Accommodate Guides

Accommodate is a program used by Accessibility Resources to manage student accommodations. Students log in to share their Accommodation Plan each semester, request exams and appointments, and manage any assistive technology. Faculty use the system to review student Accommodation Plan and approve exam accommodation requests.

For questions about using Accommodate, please contact Accessibility Resources at or 607-436-2137.

Looking to register with Accessibility Resources? Visit our How to Register page.

Student Accommodate login

Faculty Accommodate Login

Student Guides

NOTE: Accommodate updates over the weekend, so any changes made to your schedule during the week will be reflected the following Monday. If you have made any changes to your schedule, be sure to re-submit your Semester Request the following Monday.

  1. Log in to Accommodate.
  2. On the left, click on Accommodations then Semester Request.
  3. Click the red Add New button.
  4. Choose the semester for which you are sharing your Accommodation Plan.
  5. To share all accommodations with all professors, choose Submit for all Accommodations. To pick and choose from your accommodations and classes, click Review this Renewal.
  6. Make sure your request is accurate. Then click Submit at the bottom of the page.
  7. Once Accessibility Resources staff has reviewed your requested accommodations for the semester, you will receive a copy of the notification letter e-mailed to your professors listing your approved academic accommodations for the semester. If you add a class to your schedule after you renewed your academic accommodations, you must again follow the above steps to submit an additional accommodation request for your new class.
  1. Log in to Accommodate using your SUNY Oneonta username and password.
  2. On the sidebar, click on the Accommodation then Supplemental.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Complete all the form fields on the page. You can request additional accommodations using the Request Additional Accommodation button, if needed.
  5. You may upload documents supporting your need for the accommodation(s) in question by using the Add Item button located toward the bottom of the page.
  6. Make sure your request is accurate, then click Submit.
  1. Log in to Accommodate using your SUNY Oneonta username and password.
  2. On the left sidebar, click Appointment.
  3. Click the red Request New Appointment button on the bottom of the page.
  4. Choose the appointment type.
  5. To see the earliest available appointments, leave the date and time ranges as is. To book a later appointment, change the date range to your preferred date.
  6. Click check availability and choose your preferred appointment.
  7. Complete a reason for the appointment and click Submit Request.

NOTE: To take an exam in the Accessibility Resources Testing Center, you must be registered with Accessibility Resources and have submitted a Semester Request for the current semester.

  1. Log in to Accommodate. (link:
  2. On the left, click AR Testing Center.
  3. On the bottom-left, click the red New Exam Request button.
  4. Choose the course from the drop-down menu. (Ignore the filters that pop up below the course selection – all date and time options will appear by default.)
  5. Choose the date and time of your exam from the list on the right. You can click on the bolded date on the right to minimize time options for that day.
  6. Complete the submission form to complete your request. If you are making a request for a date or time other than the class exam time, make sure your professor is okay with your alternate time before making this request – they may deny requests that are not made for the class date and time. At the bottom of the form, click submit.
  7. Your request has now been submitted. Your request is not approved until your professor reviews and approves it. Your exam will be listed under Pending Exam Requests until it is approved.

Video: How to Submit an Exam Request (2-minutes)

Faculty Guides

Accommodation Plans outline the necessary accommodations for which the student is eligible. The Coordinator of Accessibility Resources creates the Accommodation Plan. Assigning appropriate accommodations requires an individualized, interactive process with the student to understand the context of their disability, their academic experience so far, and documentation from a healthcare provider. Signing a student’s Accommodation Plan lets both the student and the Accessibility Resources know you have been made aware of their accommodations.

  1. Log in to Accommodate using your SUNY Oneonta username and password.
  2. On the left, click Accommodation Plans.
  3. Scroll down to view all Accommodation Plans that have been shared with you. Those that have not yet been signed will have Requested in a black box next to the title. Those that have been signed will have Signed in a black box next to the title. Please sign each plan shared with you to indicate to the student and Accessibility Resources that you have seen the plan.
  4. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule a time to meet with you individually (during office hours, virtually, or however you will conduct meetings) to discuss specifically how they plan to use their accommodations in your class.
  1. Log in to Accommodate.
  2. On the left, click Courses.
  3. Select the course for which you'd like to approve or deny a request.
  4. Select Exam Requests and Pending.
  5. From here, you may approve or deny requests individually.
  6. Complete the request form and click Submit.