Language Laboratory

Guidelines for Use

Walk-in use is not permitted when a class is using the lab. Please call the department office for walk-in availability, 607-436-3409.

No food or drink of any kind are permitted in the lab at any time; these must be left in the photocopy room until you leave.

Downloading and/or accessing of copyrighted files without proper permission "is illegal-- don’t do it" on our machines! This means no file sharing and no MP3 loading of copyrighted material. How do you know it’s copyrighted? If it’s for sale elsewhere, you should not be downloading it here for free!

How to Record

  1. Log into the computer.
  2. Open the “Audacity” program by double-clicking on the desktop icon.
  3. Put on the headset and make sure the microphone is in front of your mouth. Use the control buttons in the Audacity window to record and play back your recording. Always listen to your recording to check for problems before saving it or handing it in. Alert the lab assistant or secretary of any problems (see #5 below, first).
  4. Save your recording as an mp3 file by following these menu options: File >> Export to mp3. In the dialog box, be sure to specify where you will Save In (to your jump drive, to your ‘P’ drive, or your My Documents). Once you have saved your recording you can then send it as an email attachment like any other (to your professor, for example), or place the file in a drop box in the Angel courseware.
  5. Troubleshooting: if you try to record and cannot hear your recording or you have a feedback whine in your headset, check the audio set-up of the computer: Open the Volume Control icon to check the 6-slider volume control (microphone should be muted here); and then open the Audio Devices icon >> Audio >> Sound Recording Volume to check the 3-slider controls (microphone should be selected but volume at 2 to avoid distortion). Then close all those windows and try recording again.
  1. Log into the computer.
  2. Open the “Sound Recorder” program by following these menu options: Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Entertainment >> Sound Recorder.
  3. Put on the headset and make sure the microphone is in front of your mouth. Click on the round red Record button to start. Click on the rectangular black Stop button to stop recording. Click on the black triangle to play your recording back. Always listen to your recording to check for problems before handing it in. Alert the lab assistant or secretary of any problems. If you’re unhappy with your recording and want to start over from scratch, follow these menu options: FILE >> NEW and choose to not save your old recording.
  4. Save your recording by following these menu options: File >> Save As. In the dialog box, be sure to specify where you will Save In (to your floppy disk, to your ‘P’ drive, or to the Desktop as long as you delete the file before you log off).
  5. Troubleshooting: if you try to record and cannot hear your recording or you have a feedback whine in your headset, check the audio set-up of the computer: Open the Volume Control icon to check the 6-slider volume control (microphone should be muted here); and then open the Audio Devices icon >> Audio >> Sound Recording Volume to check the 3-slider controls (microphone should be selected but the volume at 2 to avoid distortion). Then close all those windows and try recording again.
  6. Once you have saved your recording you can then send it as an email attachment like any other (to your professor, and/or to yourself if you saved it to the Desktop).