Women's and Gender Studies News & Events

Women's & Gender Studies Department Fall 2023 Courses
Number Course Number Course Name Days of Courses Time for courses Professor
486 WGS 1000 01 Gender, Power & Difference MWF 10-10:50am Kachwala
487 WGS 1000 02 Gender, Power & Difference MWF 11-11:50am Kachwala
488 WGS 1000 03 Gender, Power & Difference TR 2:30-3:45pm Diamond-Lenow
1126 WGS 1000 04 Gender, Power & Difference TR 8:30-9:45am Walsh-Russo
1128 WGS 1000 05 Gender, Power & Difference TR 11:30am-12:45pm Walsh-Russo
1327 WGS 1050 01 Self Defense for Women TR 8:30-9:45am Nicols
1328 WGS 1050 02 Self Defense for Women TR 10-11:15am Nicols
489 WGS 2000 01 Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Pop Culture MWF 11-11:50am Christie
490 WGS 2500-01 Intro to Queer Studies TR 11:30am-12:45pm Diamond-Lenow
1130 WGS 3000 01 Gender and Communication MWF 10-10:50am Cunningham
1134 WGS 3000 02 Gender and Communication MWF 11-11:50am Cunningham
1329 WGS 3080 01 Women in Sports TR 8:30-9:45am Fallon-Korb
1330 WGS 3080 02 Women in Sports TR 10-11:15am Fallon-Korb
491 WGS 3100 01 Feminist Theories TR 10-11:15am Diamond-Lenow
1276 WGS 3877 01 Gender and Crime TR 4-5:15pm Lavin
492 WGS 4800 01 Transnational Feminisms MWF 2-2:50pm Kachwala
This is a flyer for WGS Fall 2023 courses. More information can be found on the Registar's website

Past Events

Why WGS? Panel Discussion

Join Dr.Chloe Diamond-Lenow, Dr. Greg Hummel, Dr. Shahin Kachwala, and current WGS students to talk about opportunities in the area of WGS and why they pursued this field. LEAD credit available. Plus there'll be games, fun and prizes!

Wednesday March 29, 2023
5:30pm to 6:30pm
In the waterfront (Hunt Union)

Annual WGS Student Symposium

Join us for our annual event, where senior WGS students share their research.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: Butternut Valley Room, Hunt Union

Featuring Presentations by:

Daphne Alejandro

Lauren Berkey

Maya Bissainthe

Sabrina Maccaron

Julia Sclafani

Other Women's and Gender Studies Spring 2023 Events

WGS Student Symposium

Wednesday April 12 5:30pm
Butternut Valley Room (Hunt Union)

Join the students from the Feminist Organizing Capstone class for a series of presentations about famous feminist thinkers.

WGS Graduation Awards and Triota Inductions

Friday May 5 5pm
Union Square Room (Hunt Union)

Everyone is welcome to join us for a celebration of our graduating seniors! WGS majors and minors will be acknowledged and we will induct new members into the Triota Honor Society.

Spring 2023 Events

Upcoming Events!

For more information about the WGS major or minor, contact Charlene Christie at Charlene.Christie@oneonta.edu or the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at 436-2014.