Crime Prevention

Myths About Alcohol:

"Some people think alcohol is a stimulant, not a depressant."

"Some drivers mistakenly think that alcohol improves their driving."

"Some people foolishly believe that coffee, a cold shower, exercise, or fresh air can sober them up."

Some Facts About Alcohol:

Alcohol is a drug, and it is a powerful depressant.

You must be of legal age (age depends on the state) to buy or be served any type of alcohol. In New York State as of December 1, 1985, you must be 21 years old.

Beer and wine are just as potent as hard liquor:

12 ounces of beer = 5 ounces of wine = 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor

Alcohol intensifies the effect of tranquilizers, while antihistamines may cause the effect of alcohol to sharply increase.

Alcohol is involved in:

50% of all traffic fatalities
50% of all murders
33% of all suicides
25% of all other accidents

Did You Know?

54% of SUNY Oneonta students choose to drink once a week or less (30%).

57% of SUNY Oneonta students never or rarely used marijuana in the last year.

When asked the average number of drinks consumed in a week:

19% of SUNY Oneonta students answered ZERO.

40% of SUNY Oneonta students answered 4 or LESS!

Know the Law and the Consequences!

  • If you drink and drive you can get into serious trouble. New York law states:
  • You must not drive or be in physical control of any moving vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • If a police officer suspects you of driving while intoxicated (DWI) you may be arrested and asked to submit to a test to measure your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). If you refuse the test, your license will be suspended for a period of six months.
  • If your BAC is .08% or higher, you are intoxicated by law. If your BAC is .05% to .07%, you still may be charged with DWAI (driving while ability-impaired).
  • The penalties for DWI include a fine, license suspension, time in jail, hours of community service work, or any combination of the above.
  • A DWI conviction never gets "taken off" your driving record!

The Drunk Driver

  • If you don't drink and drive, you must still look out for those who do.
  • A person who is DWI will not be able to adequately control their vehicle, so you must drive defensively.
  • Be alert for the driver who:
    • Makes wide turns
    • Straddles the center line
    • Passes extremely close to objects or vehicles
    • Drives unreasonably slow or fast
    • Hugs the shoulder, curb, or edge of the road
    • Weaves, creating a zigzag course
    • Fails to use headlights at night
    • Drives with the windows open in cold weather
    • Stops or starts in a jerky manner
    • Follows another vehicle too closely

How to Stay Sober

  • It is possible to drink alcohol and not become intoxicated!
  • Here are some hints to help you stay sober:
    • Set a limit on the number of drinks you will have and stick to it.
    • Space drinks so that you consume no more than one per hour.
    • Food can slow alcohol's effects. Choose starchy or high protein foods, and eat them before and while you drink.
    • Having fun and getting home safely is your responsibility!
    • If you decide to drink, please plan ahead to walk, use public transportation, or designate one person in the group who will drive and not drink.


How to give a safe party

If you are planning a party, you can help your guests by:

  • Not forcing drinks on them.
  • Making non-alcoholic drinks available.
  • Serving food along with the drinks.
  • Measuring mixed drinks, not guessing.
  • Closing the bar at least one hour before the party ends.

If you do become drunk or if a guest of yours becomes drunk, there are some things that you can do to prevent a DWI charge or an accident:

  • Ask someone to take you home or if you're the host, take your guest home.
  • Call a taxi.
  • Arrange to spend the night with a friend, or ask your guest to spend the night.
  • Remember, only time will sober you up! There is no way to speed up the process by which alcohol leaves the body.

If you need help with an alcohol-related problem, contact one of the agencies listed below:

  • Substance Abuse Treatment Program 433-2343
  • Alcoholics Anonymous 432-5300
  • SUNY Oneonta Health & Wellness Center 436-3573
  • Otsego County Alcoholism Services 433-2343
  • Drinking-Driving Program 432-8790

Blue lights mark special thirty-four (34) safety telephones, indicated on the map below. Their use is not restricted to emergencies; however, you can use them to report incidents or suspicious people, or to ask for assistance or an escort.

At all blue light phones you need to simply push the button and the phone will signal University Police automatically and direct someone to you.

Additionally, outside the main door of each residence hall there is an access phone that can be used to dial University Police in an emergency.


  • Bacon Hall
  • Baseball Field 1
  • Curtis Hall
  • Field House Commuter Lot
  • Fine Arts Building
  • Ford Hall
  • Golding Path Mid-point
  • Golding Walkway – Lee Hall
  • Golding Walkway – State Street
  • Golding Hillside
  • Hays Hall
  • Higgins Hall
  • Hulbert Hall
  • Human Ecology
  • Hunt Union Commuter Lot
  • Hunt Union Loading Dock
  • Hunt Union Backside
  • Hunt Union Resident Lot
  • IRC Quad
  • Littell Hall
  • Macduff Lot
  • Maintenance Building
  • Matteson Hall
  • Mills Hall
  • Milne Library
  • Physical Education Quad
  • Physical Education Building Roadside
  • Tennis Court Lot
  • Tobey Hall
  • Tobey Commuter Lot #1
  • Tobey Commuter Lot #2
  • Track
  • Wellness Center
  • Wilsbach

View a map of the locations of campus blue light emergency phones



  • (8) – Alumni Field House – Atrium; Trainers Room
  • (5) – Alumni Hall – University Police Mobile
  • (1) – Biological Field Station
  • (2) – Bugbee Hall –2nd fl stairwell below card reader
  • (2) - Chase PE – Concourse; near pool office on pool deck
  • (1) – College Camp – Main entrance
  • (3) – Fine Arts – near secretary; near theater; and near Rm 236 on Art side
  • (3) – Fitzelle Hall – near water fountain near Main lobby; 4th fl near elevator; Classroom 2nd fl end of hallway out of elevator
  • (1) – Grounds Building – Supervisor’s Office
  • (1) – Health Center – Atrium
  • (1) – Heating Plant – Control room
  • (2) – Human Ecology – 1st fl Main; Head Start Mud room wall 114
  • (3) – Hunt Union – Main entry by stairwell; 204B ballroom B 2nd fl; basement fl by elevator
  • (2) – IRC – vestibule in Lecturer Hall area; near fire alarm panel box basement
  • (1) – Lee Hall – Main entrance
  • (1) – Mills Hall – Main stairwell by Dining
  • (2) – Milne Library – Main entry by elevator; 3rd fl by elevator
  • (1) – Morris Hall – 1st fl lobby near stairs
  • (1) – Bacon Hall – Main entry on L side of Morris
  • (1) – Denison Hall – Main entry
  • (2) – Netzer Administration – Main lobby; 2nd fl lobby
  • (1) – Physical Science – 1st fl Main hallway
  • (2) – Schumacher Hall – 1st fl right in front of back entry; 2nd fl near Rm 202
  • (2) – Science 1 – 1st fl Main hallway; 2nd fl center stairwell hallway Rm 202
  • (2) – Service Building – inside side entry by Lock Shop; Garage office
  • (1) – Wilsbach Hall – Main stairwell by Dining


  • (2) – Blodgett Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairs by lounge 313
  • (2) – Curtis Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairs by lounge 313
  • (2) – Ford Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl central stairwell landing
  • (3) – Golding Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl East hallway by stairs; 3rd fl West hallway by stairs
  • (2) – Grant Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairwell landing
  • (2) – Hays Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairs landing
  • (2) – Higgins Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl by elevator
  • (5) – Hulbert Hall – OSES mobile; OSES office wall by Rm 218; Mezzanine; C-wing common area by phone; Main entry by cage; Main dining entry
  • (2) – Huntington Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairwell landing
  • (3) – Littell Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl East hallway center stairs; 3rd fl West hallway by center stairs
  • (2) – Macduff Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairs lounge 313
  • (2) – Matteson Hall – 1st fl Main entry by cage; 3rd fl center stairs by lounge 313
  • (2) – Sherman Hall – 1st fl Main entry by lobby by cage; 3rd fl center stairwell landing
  • (2) – Tobey Hall – 1st fl lobby; 3rd fl West hallway
  • WILBER HALL - OFF LINE (2009-2010)

Usually when crimes occur, the advice that follows has been ignored.

You are the key to your personal safety and the safety of others. By following the advice and instructions in this column most crimes and serious fires can be avoided.

Please give this information serious consideration. Even if you are not concerned about your personal safety, it is critical that you behave in ways that do not endanger the safety of others, either on campus or in your off-campus residence.

Your suggestions related to safety are welcomed by the University Police Department.


The safety of members of the SUNY Oneonta community is of vital concern to the University Police Department. While Oneonta is a relatively safe place, crimes do occur both on and off campus. Students must actively accept responsibility for doing their part to maintain a safe environment. A variety of security measures are employed in SUNY Oneonta's residence halls. These include a 24-hour locked door policy, key access systems, a phone system and a Night Host program for monitoring student safety within the residence halls at night. Security systems at off-campus residences which are not owned by SUNY Oneonta vary considerably. Be sure to obtain complete information from the landlord concerning locking systems, fire detection and/or suppression systems, and any other security services which may be available. For security systems to be effective, the cooperation of all students is necessary. Although some students initially find using a phone inconvenient when visiting a campus residence hall, the added security is well worth it. Here are some steps you can take to keep yourself as safe as possible, both in your off-campus residence and when you are on campus.

  • KNOW THE RESIDENCE HALL SECURITY POLICY. If you take any action that could undermine the security of a residence hall or its occupants, you will be violating SUNY Oneonta policy and may be banned from the residence hall system. Security violations include, but are not limited to, borrowing keys, allowing other persons who are not the specifically invited guests of a resident to enter a residence hall, propping doors open, committing acts of vandalism which jeopardize building security and tampering with security devices.
  • DO NOT PROP DOORS OPEN. Propped doors are an open invitation to unauthorized persons, some of whom may enter buildings for the purpose of committing crimes. If you see a propped door anywhere on campus, close it.
  • NEVER GIVE OUT THE CODE ACCESS NUMBER FOR YOUR DOOR OR LEND YOUR KEY OR IDENTIFICATION CARD TO ANYONE ELSE. Non-students, even your friends, may lack concern for the security of the campus.
  • LOCK THE DOOR TO YOUR RESIDENCE HALL ROOM AT ALL TIMES. Locking your door, wherever you reside, is an effective way to reduce theft and enhance personal safety.
  • BE CAREFUL ABOUT LEAVING WINDOWS OPEN IN FIRST FLOOR RESIDENCE. Theft can occur through open windows. Balcony doors on upper floors should also be secured. Before leaving for breaks, make sure that all windows are closed and locked.
  • REPORT ALL SECURITY-RELATED MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS. Locks, doors, windows, and lights that are in need of repair or replacement or shrubbery in need of trimming should be reported to your Residence Hall Director or RA immediately. If you should notice any such security-related maintenance problems while on campus, call University Police at 436-3550, on campus x3550.
  • CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE LOCAL POLICE AGENCY (ON CAMPUS CALL UNIVERSITY POLICE X3550) IF YOU RECEIVE AN OBSCENE OR HARASSING PHONE CALL. Harassing calls should be reported immediately. The police will investigate these incidents and, as patterns develop, work closely with the telephone company to apprehend offenders.
  • ATTEND SECURITY PROGRAMS. Learn more about protecting yourself. University Police conducts frequent programs which promote crime-resistance skills. For information on specific topics, call University Police at 436-3550.
  • BE AWARE OF CAMPUS CRIME TRENDS. Read and make note of any offenses which have been reported on campus or in the vicinity of your residence.
  • REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TO THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. If you are on campus, use one of the "BLUE LIGHT" emergency telephones to contact University Police or call x3550. If you are off campus, call the local police. Individuals who do not have legitimate reasons for being on campus or in a SUNY Oneonta building and who refuse to comply with a request to leave may be subject to arrest under the criminal trespass penal code of New York State.


  • BE ALERT. Your safety depends mostly on your own attitude and actions.
  • AVOID WALKING ALONE AT NIGHT. If you have a night class, make arrangements to walk back and forth with several other class members or with fellow residents who may have classes in nearby buildings. Use the bus whenever possible. The bus runs Sunday through Wednesday until 12:15AM, Thursday until 2AM and Friday and Saturday until 3:30AM. Service is provided to many off-campus areas where students reside. For a current schedule, contact OPT at 432-7100.If you absolutely must travel alone at night, be sure to stay on well-traveled and well-lit paths and sidewalks. The campus has installed emergency telephones to provide rapid communication to University Police. Outdoor telephones have blue lights above them. If you need assistance or wish to report a crime, simply use the device.
  • PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY. The University Police Department provides engraving equipment to identify your valuables. You may call x3550 to arrange to borrow an engraver. In addition, you should make a record of any valuable property which has unique serial numbers, such as computer, stereo or television equipment. Marking and recording your property in this way will aid in recovery in case of loss or theft. University Police can advise you on securing your bike and will help you select a sturdy lock. Bikes properly secured with good locks are rarely stolen. Park your car in a well lit area and keep it locked at all times. Don't leave valuables where they can be seen in your vehicle; lock them in your trunk. SUNY Oneonta assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property.
  • REPORT CRIME. Report any on-campus criminal act to University Police immediately at x3550. The University Police officers are law enforcement officers of the State of New York and have full investigative and arrest authority on the campus and contiguous streets and highways. They work closely with federal, state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies. All crimes reported to University Police are documented and crime statistics are submitted to the FBI. These crime statistics along with a three-year summary of selected arrest statistics are included in the menu. Timely notice of crimes which may be of interest to the members of the SUNY Oneonta community is provided through the university news releases and Crime Alerts. This information is intended to aid in the prevention of similar occurrences and to reinforce the fact that students must assume the responsibility for their own security and the security of others. Victims of sexual crimes can receive confidential assistance from Counseling/Health/Wellness Center. Please be aware that many sexual assaults/rapes involving SUNY Oneonta students are "acquaintance rapes" or "date rapes." Victims of on-campus crimes have the right to choose counseling, medical treatment, prosecution and reporting of their case, through the SUNY Oneonta judicial system and/or the off campus court system, as well as the right to refuse all of the above without reproach from any university personnel. For more information see Campus Sexual Assault Programs (Procedures & Policies).


Campus residence halls are locked 24 hours per day and may be entered only by residents of the hall, SUNY Oneonta officials, and guests who have specific, legitimate reason for their presence in the building.


The following policies apply to guests who visit students living in residence halls:

  1. A standard 24-hour visitation policy is followed in all halls.
  2. A guest is one who comes to a residence hall to visit a specific resident upon the request of that resident. Guests may also be persons who are invited by the hall government or SUNY Oneonta officials for a specific event taking place in that residence hall. Any student from outside the resident hall is considered to be a guest.
  3. A guest is limited to the time and location for which he or she was invited. When visiting a specific resident, a guest must be accompanied by that resident during the entire period of time he or she is in the residence hall. The resident is responsible for the conduct of his or her guest.
  4. Residents are responsible for completing a "Guest Registration Form" and familiarizing their guests with pertinent SUNY Oneonta rules and regulations and for insuring that their guests abide by these policies. All roommates must agree to having a guest and must sign the registration form indicating agreement. Residents who fail to control the behavior of their guests may be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. Residents are responsible for ensuring that their guests use only restroom facilities that have been designated for members of the guests' sex.
  6. Residents may have overnight guests of the same sex for a period of time not to exceed two consecutive nights without permission from the Resident Hall Director. Guests may not exceed the two-night limit by changing hosts to prolong their stay. The current host will be responsible for the guest whose stay has been prolonged.
  7. Guests are not permitted to stay in the residence hall lounges, recreation rooms or other public areas of the campus.
  8. It is the responsibility of the host to insure that the presence or behavior of guests does not infringe upon the rights of his or her roommate or other residents.


To visit friends in residence halls, you must make use of a foyer phone panel to gain access to the buildings since all of them are locked 24 hours per day. You will need to know the room number of the friends you wish to visit in order to call them from the phone panel. To reach your friend inside the hall:



If you should discover or suspect a fire in a SUNY Oneonta building:

  1. Activate the building fire alarm by using a corridor pull station. If you cannot activate the alarm, warn other people by knocking on doors and shouting a warning. DO NOT ENDANGER YOURSELF.
  2. Call UNIVERSITY POLICE at 3550 or 911 from a phone or from a campus emergency phone.
  3. Leave the building immediately. Move away from the building at least 200 feet, clear the driveways, sidewalks and access to the building. When the firefighters arrive, direct them to the fire.
  4. Report ALL fires, even small ones you have extinguished. University Police must still file a report.


When you hear a fire alarm:

  1. Never assume that it is a false alarm.
  2. Leave the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds. Failure to do so is grounds for SUNY Oneonta disciplinary action and may lead to personal injury.
  3. Never re-enter the building until a SUNY Oneonta official indicates it is time to do so.


  • Smoke/heat detectors have been installed in campus buildings. The fire alarm systems are electronically supervised. University Police personnel will respond to fire alarms.
  • Sprinkler systems have been installed in some appropriate areas. Do not tamper with sprinkler heads.
  • Stairway doors should close automatically and must be kept closed at all times. Never prop these doors open. Stairways can act as chimneys and spread fire and smoke throughout the building, if the doors to them are open. If the doors are kept closed, the stairways will provide a place of refuge and will protect you while you escape from the building. It is especially important to make sure that residence hall stairway doors are kept closed at night, when people are asleep and detection of a fire may be delayed.
  • Exit signs clearly mark each exit area. Self-reflecting exit signs have been installed on all exterior corridor doors.
  • Fire extinguishers should be used only after you sound the alarm and call for emergency assistance. Use the extinguisher only if you need it to assist your safe evacuation. Don't expose yourself to heavy smoke, as the toxic gases from smoke can render you unconscious in a few seconds. The contents of extinguishers are expended in seconds - if at first you don't succeed, leave. Be sure an alarm has been sounded.


  • Report immediately to University Police at x3550 any defective or missing campus fire protection and safety equipment or any fire extinguisher which has been discharged.
  • Refuse to abuse fire alarm systems and report anyone who does. False alarms create a complacent attitude about the alarm system which can result in injury or loss of life in a real fire. The best defense against childish, irresponsible false alarms is to immediately report any such activity which you may witness to University Police at x3550.


The University Police Department provides escort services from dusk to dawn for the safety of anyone walking alone on the campus at night. Call 436-3550 for an escort to or from any campus building or parking lot.

What is the Identification Program?

The Identification Program has proven to be very effective. All of your easily stolen valuables are marked so that they can be identified as yours.
The idea is based on the fact that marked valuables are very hard for the burglar to dispose of, and they can be traced back to you. In addition, if the burglar is caught with them in his possession, the marked valuables constitute solid evidence of possession of stolen goods.

The marking you should use is your SUNY Oneonta ID Number. This number is part of your university record and will identify ownership of lost, found, or stolen property. Why Should I have My Valuables Marked?

No one is immune to theft. However, participation in the Identification Program reduces the chance of theft because stolen items are much more difficult to dispose of it they have been marked. Burglars know this and are hesitant to enter residences that participate in an Identification Program. If marked items are stolen and recovered, it is very easy to identify the rightful owners and return the property to them. Participation in this program will cost only thirty minutes of your time and could save you much time, trouble, and expense.

How Do I Participate in the Program?

Residential Units

You may bring your property and mark it at the Living Unit Office, or you may borrow a marker and use it in your room. An ID card will have to be left as a deposit. When you have finished marking your property, turn in your Personal Property Record and your card will be returned to you.

Downtown Students

You may mark your property at the University Police Department or borrow the tool from the Department. A SUNY Oneonta ID card must be left as a deposit. When you have finished marking your property, turn in your Personal Property Record and your card will be returned to you.

What Should I Have Marked?

You should have any easily stolen property marked. Some examples are:

  • Television sets
  • Stereo Equipment
  • Radios
  • Cameras
  • Auto Tape Decks
  • Binoculars
  • Sporting Goods
  • Boat Motors
  • Watches/Clocks
  • Mag Wheels
  • Computers
  • Appliances
  • Hub Cabs
  • Sports Equipment
  • Typewriters
  • Bicycles
  • Tape Recorders
  • Vacuum Cleaners
  • Tools
  • Calculators
  • Office Equipment

Now that my property is marked, what else can I do?

As stated elsewhere in this article, no one is immune to theft. But by participating in the Identification Program you have lessened the possibility of suffering a burglary. You can do more if you will:

  • Report promptly any loss, theft, or damage of your property to the University Police Department.
  • Report promptly any unusual activities, suspicious persons or vehicles, and criminal activity to the University Police Department.
  • Keep your apartment or living unit doors locked at all times and make certain they are locked whenever you leave.
  • Keep valuables stored as securely as possible. Articles plainly visible or left unattended in vehicles or rooms are an open invitation to thieves and vandals.

For more information about other crime prevention programs contact:

SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820

Crime prevention is everybody's responsibility!