Writing Assistance

SLC's Writing Center offers courses and tutoring in writing.

Writing Consultations: sign up on Tracktion for one or two 30-minute appointments to go over a paper at any stage of completion. (We will even help you plan your writing if you haven't started!)

Academic Coaching for Writing You can sign up for this type of tutoring if you need help with basic skills, long-term help with a research project, or general writing processes assistance. To sign up, enter a request in Tracktion, our online scheduling service. Go to the Tracktion website and click "Request Tutoring." Choose Academic Coaching.

Writing Workshops - We offer writing workshops each semester. We offer "How to Proofread for Clear and Correct Writing" and "Writing Under Pressure." LEAD credit available. Pre-registration on Tracktion is required.

Writing Consultations - If you have a writing assignment for a course for which you would like some help, the Writing Center is the place to go! To sign up for a one-time writing consultation appointment, enter a request in Tracktion, our online scheduling service. Go to the Tracktion website and click "Writing Assistance." Fill in all the required information and choose an appointment that works with your schedule. Choose one or two 30-minute slots.

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing Assistance

How do I sign up for an appointment?

Signing up for an appointment with a writing consultant is free and easy. Go to the Tracktion website and Click "Writing Assistance." Fill out the information using your SUNY Oneonta username and ID. Choose any appointment with the tutors listed on the page.

Appointments will be held in the SLC on the 2nd floor of Milne Library unless you specifically request to meet online in Teams.

What to expect at your first appointment

Each writing consultation is different, but there are some things you should expect during your first appointment. Your appointment will last half an hour (or 50 minutes if you've selected two back-to-back appointments). Your SLC writing consultant will first want to read the specific assignment you’ve received.

The writing consultant will ask you to explain what you most want help with. Guided by what you’ve asked for help with, your Writing Center staff member will then respond, as a critical reader and as a writing instructor, to what you’ve written, pointing out sections that work well, identifying possible problems, teaching you important principles about writing, and helping you find ways to improve your paper as you revise.

SLC writing tutors are likely to concentrate on large-scale issues first. For example, they’ll try to help you make sure that you’re responding to the assignment and that you’re writing a focused, well-organized, and effectively developed paper before they help you with such concerns as style, grammar, word choice, and punctuation. They follow this order for a good reason: small changes in individual sentences will not improve a paper as much as changes in thesis, focus, and organization will.

It’s important for you to know that writing consultants will not edit or proofread your papers for you. Nor will they do your reading or thinking or writing for you. Instead, their goal is to teach you to do these things for yourself so that you can become a better, more confident writer.

How do I sign up for an appointment?

Signing up for an appointment for help with writing is free and easy. Go to the Tracktion website and Click "Writing Assistance." Choose the service you want and fill out the information using your SUNY Oneonta username and ID. Choose any appointment with the writing tutors listed on the page.

Be sure to show up on time to the appointment you make because the writing staff see students back-to-back all day. Appointments start and end on time. If you're late, your appointment will be shortened.

Here are your options:

Individual, ONE-TIME appointment

You may sign up for a consultation with a writing consultant to go over your class paper. You can sign up for up to two half-hours back-to-back.

Academic Coaching for Writing

This service is designed for students who need sustained assistance in writing. Students who sign up for academic coaching for writing will meet with a writing center instructor for ½ hour twice per week or one hour once per week. This will be a set appointment each week for up to eleven weeks.

Who doesn't have a question about grammar?

We are happy to answer questions about grammar, but please note that while we are happy to teach you the rules you need to know, we do not simply proofread papers or mark up all the errors. Sign up for a one-time writing consultation appointment, and we'll happily help you with your paper.

How do I sign up for an appointment?

Go to the Tracktion website and Click "Writing Assistance."

Be sure to show up on time to the appointment you make because the tutors see students back-to-back.

Check out the "How to Proofread for Clear and Correct Writing" Workshop

This workshop is offered several times throughout the semester. Come and learn some key skills that will help you polish your writing. LEAD credit available. Sign up for the workshop. (Use a laptop or desktop only to access this site.)

But wait! I just have a quick question about grammar!

We recommend Excelsior's Online Writing Lab for grammar assistance.