Study Skills Workshops


We offer workshops to help students hone their writing and study skills. Many of the workshops offer LEAD credit when offered in person.

Register for a Workshop (Use Oneonta login)

Tips: Use a laptop or desktop for this site, only. Phones/tablets will not work. Sign in using your SUNY Oneonta log-in (the one you use for Brightspace). If you're off-campus and have trouble logging in, try putting oneonta\ before your username.

In this one-hour workshop, learn about proofreading, editing, and ways to do both so you can find and correct your own sentence errors. Pre-registration is required. Sign up for How to Proofread for Clear and Correct Writing.

Learn how to plan and write an essay exam. 50 minutes. Pre-registration is required. Sign up for Writing Under Pressure.

Taking classes online is challenging. This free workshop provides tips and strategies for finding balance while working remotely. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.)

If you are interested in this topic but don't need LEAD credit, you can watch this video of the content and download the handouts.

Three super-short mini video-based workshops that will help you get started with online or in-person learning.

Workshop #1 is "Time, Tech and Taming Your Space."

Workshop #2 is "Managing Overwhelm and Setting Priorities."

Workshop #3 is "Making a Schedule." ("Every Stinkin' Minute" spreadsheet file.)

We recommend you watch Workshop #1 on or even a bit before your first day of classes. Once you have some work to do (maybe on day 3 or 4 of classes), watch workshop #2. Workshop #3 can be watched as a follow-up (maybe the next day) to workshop #2.

These workshops are NOT eligible for LEAD credit.

This short video workshop will explore how you can work with classmates effectively to study for your courses.

Watch video on Stream here: How to Form & Use a Study Group

Link to the Study Group Agreement Template.(You must be signed into Office 365 to access this document.)

This workshop is NOT eligible for LEAD credit.

In this workshop, "Building Your Brain Power - Executive Skills," we will use the work of Guare and Dawson to consider the 12 executive (cognitive) skills and how they are related to a college student's success. The idea of Executive Skills is all about how the brain learns to make decisions. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required.Sign up for Building Your Brain Power - Executive Skills.

This workshop examines how to TAKE GREAT NOTES and then how to turn your notes into a great study guide that will help you study effectively and efficiently. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required.Sign up for Take Note!.

We call this workshop "But I Knew it This Morning! How You Forget What You Thought You Knew." The topic is the Illusion of Knowing, which is the problem so many of us run into when we're studying. We study and study and still do poorly on the test despite all our time and effort. There is a reason for this that can often be explained by the concept of the Illusion of Knowing. I'll offer some strategies, especially "retrieval practice," and advice for changing your study habits to defeat the illusion of knowing. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for The Illusion of Knowing.

This workshop was originally designed to be taken around the mid-point of the semester, but it has some great tips no matter when you take it. We've added some ideas about setting boundaries for yourself and some ideas about managing time when taking classes online. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for Time Management.

This workshop looks at how to find the willpower to make the choices that will bring you success in college and in life. Drawing from the work of Kelly McGonigal, Academic Coach Kim Griswold walks you through McGonigal's research and helps you find your own WillPower. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for WillPower.

In this workshop, you will learn strategies for relaxing to help you refocus to do your best work. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for Relax & Focus.

We'll talk about how you can communicate effectively with your faculty. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for How to Talk to Your Professors.

You'll learn study strategies that help you retain and recall the information and ideas you're studying. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for Work Your Memory.

Learn strategies for managing emotions and interpersonal interactions. 50 minutes. Pre-registration is required. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Sign up for Emotional Intelligence.

What works for you? Which environment will allow you to think and work most efficiently and effectively? Think about your options! 50 minutes. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for What's Your Ideal Study Space?.

Feeling like a fish out of water? Learn how to identify and counteract imposter syndrome. (LEAD credit eligible when offered in person.) Pre-registration is required. Sign up for Imposter Syndrome.

Many people experience stress around math that can interfere with school performance and professional success. Explore the origins of math anxiety, its causes and effects, and suggestions for how to combat this challenge. Sign up for Make Friends with Math.

In this 50-minute workshop, you can expect to learn about the role of academics in your life here. Learn about issues such as time management and study tips. You'll learn about essential attitudes and dispositions that will lead to academic success in college. Sign up for College Bootcamp.

There are "books smarts," and "street smarts," and "people smarts"; there are body and music and math smarts, and there are intelligences that have to do with handling emotions and solving practical problems in the real world. So intelligence is more than just a person's IQ or their score on a test! in this workshop, we will look at the many kinds of intelligences that humans possess so that students can better recognize and utilize their own. Sign up for Know Your Intelligences.