Study Resources

In this Study Resources section of the SLC website, you will find a variety of resources, links, and materials created here at SUNY Oneonta and from other schools, to help you find strategies that work for you.

SLC Workshops & Courses:

Check out our Study Skills Workshops and courses!

General Study Skills

Plagiarism is a very serious issue affecting college students. Many students do not understand the rules for properly citing information they are trying to discuss in their college papers. First, you should familiarize yourself with SUNY Oneonta's policies on Academic Honesty in the Student Code of Conduct. Then, take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules for properly citing sources.

You've probably realized you need some basic computer skills to function as a college student. We have a terrific program at SUNY Oneonta for helping you with essential computer skills. Check out Technology Instruction Program for Students (TIPS).

If you have a learning disability, you should contact SLC's Accessibility Resources.

For more information on learning disabilities, see the websites below:

Check out the SLC workshop "But I Knew it this Morning: why you forgot what you thought you knew." Also called, "The Illusion of Knowing."

Taking notes in college is essential to your success. Here are some resources for figuring out how to record important information from your courses.

Stress is a part of college life. While no one can go to college without stress, all of us can develop our strategies for dealing with it.

Check out the SLC's workshop, "Plan Your Time" for time management strategies.

Check out SUNY Oneonta's Making Cents Program

Mathematics Tutoring Resources

This resource is a compilation of good-quality videos that explain a variety of common topics. Please note that we used two main Youtube channels (mathbff and KristaKingMath) that offer high quality information. We've noted the name of the channel along with the linked topic. You can certainly navigate to other videos on those channels right on Youtube, or you can use this page as a convenient way to identify just what you're looking for. By using this page, though, you help us determine how useful our providing this information is.

  • Derivatives
  • Integration

Methods of integration

KristaKingMath Average value of a function

Polar equations


Biology Content Study Websites

Anatomy & Physiology, Human & Animal Biology


General Biology

Medical Terminology

Chemistry Content Study Websites

Among the sites listed here are many that are AP or Regents' level -- not because the material is equivalent to the material in college-level courses but because they can provide clarification on important, basic concepts.

One important study technique is to pre-test and post-test yourself. Several of these sites provide quizzes that can be used for that purpose.

Earth Science Content Study & Resource Websites

Science Study Skills - General