Research, Grants and Contracts Pre-Award Services

The Research, Grants and Contracts Office can help identify appropriate sponsors for specific projects. This is best accomplished when potential proposal writers work with the Senior Grant Writer during the early stages of proposal development and provide a clear working idea of the project. The Research, Grants and Contracts Office also provides access and training to funding search tools, including the InfoEd's Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN). The Senior Grant Writer can create a SPIN profile for you so that you can save searches and receive emails about potential matches.

Pre-Award staff aids in all areas of proposal development, including interpreting requirements and guidelines, proposal drafting and editing, and formatting.

View the information/procedures on the approval process to proceed with development of external grants. The appropriate advance approval to proceed with an external grant application is necessary to ensure the endorsement of SUNY Oneonta and confirmation of any required cost share or other commitment of campus resources. This process will prevent time and effort dedicated to developing grant applications that cannot be submitted by the institution on behalf of the applicant(s), or that may not be accepted if a grant is awarded without prior appropriate pre-screening. Access the External Grant Pre-screening form here.

Initial development and review of any proposed project budget are handled by Pre-Award staff. Budgets are checked against appropriate guidelines for categories such as salaries and stipends, fringe benefit rates, and indirect costs. Budgets must be approved by Research, Grants and Contracts prior to submission.

The Pre-Award staff frequently contacts sponsoring agencies and organizations on behalf of SUNY Oneonta and proposed projects and may encourage project directors developing proposals to do the same.

We will complete all necessary forms, obtain the required institutional signatures and provide a transmittal letter which indicates campus support for the proposal. We have copies of standard certification forms needed for many federal grant applications.

The Pre-Award staff works in conjunction with the Research, Grants and Contracts Director to submit proposals online.

We will coordinate the process of requesting the approval of the Research Foundation's designated campus representative, which must be obtained before any proposal is submitted.

Upon being notified of a proposal's approval, the Research, Grants and Contracts Office assures the smooth implementation of the grant. “Post-award" services include but are not limited to: extensions of the contract period, line item changes in the budget, contract negotiations, payroll, travel and purchasing, and monitoring of expenditures.