Psychology Getting Involved

Psychology Club

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club provides a place for students who are interested in psychology to meet and share their knowledge, and their passion for our field of study. We provide opportunities for students to learn about everything from classes in the major, to careers after college. Everyone is welcome to join, whether you are a psychology major or not! Our goal is to help students get the most out of their psychology experience at SUNY Oneonta.

Meetings are held bi-weekly on Mondays at 7 p.m.

The Club President: Julia Gesky-Farahat:

Vice President: Taylor Teachout:

Treasurer: Nicole Navarrete:

Secretary: Jillian Gaudio:

Public Relations: Tish Madrill

Psychology Club Website

Psi Chi International Honorary Society

Psi Chi International Honorary Society

Psi Chi is known as the internationally recognized honors society in Psychology. Members of Psi Chi across the globe strive to achieve and maintain excellence within the field of Psychology through scholar programs. Our local chapter here at SUNY Oneonta works hard to promote Psychology not only as a major but as a community of its own. We encourage all Psychology students to engage in this organization. In order to become a recognized member of Psi Chi you must obtain at least first-semester Sophomore status at SUNY Oneonta and hold a major in Psychology.

As a chapter, our members are responsible for maintaining their GPA and will work under a 20-point system in order to receive graduation cords. Points can be earned by participating and volunteering in various fundraisers and events on campus, as well as attending all Psi Chi member meetings (Our first meeting is on Tuesday, January 28 in Fitzelle Hall 303, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.).

Meetings are open to all current members and those interested in applying for the semester!

Meetings are 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. every other Tuesday and are located in Fitzelle Hall 303.

Other meeting dates are Feb 11 and 25, March 11 & 25, April 8 & 22 and May 6.

Alexander Pengos

Kirsten Noboa
Vice president

Tia Wilson
Members coordinator

Taylor Teachout

Jasmine DeMaio

Advisor- Dr. Katherine Lau -

For more info, please

Psi Chi website