Maximum Credit Per Term Policy – Undergraduate Students

Approved by the Provost

Policy Contact
Questions related to the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to:
Registrar’s Office, 130 Netzer, (607) 436-2531

Policy Statement

Prior to registration, matriculated students may pre-enroll in a maximum of 17 s.h.

Matriculated undergraduate students may register for a maximum number of credits per term as follows:

Fall and Spring semester

  • 18 s.h. without additional permission needed
  • 21 s.h. when the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher and receives approval of the Department Chair of their major

Summer and Winter terms

  • 3 s.h. for sessions less than 5 weeks
  • 6 s.h. for 5 week sessions and/or overlapping session
  • 13 s.h. for an entire summer term

Non-Degree undergraduate students may register for a maximum of:

Fall and Spring semester

  • 12 s.h.

Summer and Winter terms

  • 3 s.h. for sessions less than 5 weeks
  • 6 s.h. for 5 week sessions and/or overlapping session
  • 13 s.h. for an entire summer term


The university has always limited the maximum number of credits a student could take, with exceptions for certain types of courses. All courses require contact hours and out of class work, so credit load policies should be consistent. This policy eliminates treating PHED activity and MUSC performance courses differently from other courses.

Partial terms (summer and winter) have not been clearly defined. This policy covers these types of terms.

Prior Approval rules were never included in the overall enrollment policy and this policy redresses that.

Applicability of the Policy

The policy applies to undergraduate students’ total course enrollment whether the registration is at Oneonta, through another institution with Prior Approval, or any combination thereof. Maximum hours permitted for enrollment overall do not override the rules regarding contact hours for internships; all rules regarding contact hours for internships apply.

Policy Elaboration

For summer and winter terms, each 3 s.h. limit usually represents one course. Traditionally offered courses that carry 4 s.h. are permissible as meeting the one course limit. Internships, Independent Studies, and Individual Course Enrollments are not considered regularly scheduled courses.


Pre-enrollment is a procedure that allows students to select a schedule of courses prior to actual registration. The procedure includes consultation with the assigned faculty advisor to ensure proper selection of courses.


Students with cum GPA of 3.0 or higher who seek to take the maximum 21 s.h. of coursework must obtain approval from the Department Chair of their major.


Students seeking permission for overloads from Department Chairs should use the add/drop form.

Related Documents/Policies

For more information on Internships, Individual Course Enrollment, and Independent Study, see the Undergraduate Catalog.