Inclement Weather Policy

Approved by the president
Oct. 4, 1988
July 1998, March 1999, Oct. 2008, March 2015, and Aug. 2018

Policy Contact
chief communication and marketing officer

Policy Statement

This policy describes the broad response of SUN Oneonta to inclement weather or the imminent expectation of inclement weather and affirms the discretion of SUNY Oneonta community members in responding to the same.


SUNY Oneonta is a public trust committed to fulfilling its obligations faithfully. The campus will operate as scheduled. Classes will be held. Offices will be open. Services will be performed.

However, SUNY Oneonta recognizes that during inclement weather, members of the campus community may decide not to attempt to come to campus. This decision rests with each member of the campus community individually.

Applicability of the Policy

This policy applies to members of the SUNY Oneonta community.

Policy Elaboration

During or in anticipation of inclement weather, the president or president’s designee may decide to cancel classes or curtail services. When such a decision is made, SUNY Oneonta will share such information according to the SUNY Oneonta Urgent Message Policy.

The uniqueness of SUNY Oneonta operations makes it possible that the campus will remain open on days when area public schools are closed. Students residing on campus depend on dining services, the heating plant, and University Police Department. During inclement weather, SUNY Oneonta will continue to provide these essential services.

Commuting students will be permitted to make up without penalty any academic work missed as the result of their absence due to inclement weather.

During inclement weather, the Office of Continuing Education has the responsibility to cancel campus extension classes at affected sites and to notify affected campus community members of such cancellation.

Employees who report to work during inclement weather may be given alternate work assignments, not necessarily at their normal workstations. Provisions will be made for alternate campus work assignment and locations for those who cannot get to their regular work sites and/or when the completion of their regular work assignment is not possible because of inclement weather or circumstances resulting therefrom.

State regulations direct that unless the campus is officially closed by order of the governor, an employee’s weather-related absence must be charged to an appropriate leave accrual.

Regardless of any action SUNY Oneonta takes or does not take, individuals who believe their safety is in jeopardy may choose not to travel to campus.







Related Documents/Policies

Urgent Communication Policy