PLACES Institute Contract and Consulting Services

The PLACES Institute is available to provide consulting, education, and research services to external clients. We specialize in the study of population trends (demographics), environmental, economic, political, social, and cultural patterns. We are versed in data collection, data analysis, and in writing and preparing reports or presentations. If you are interested in pursuing a contract or in securing our research and consulting services, please contact, and we will setup a free meeting to explore the project you have in mind and identify the role you envision for the PLACES Institute.

How Can We Help?

A lot of agencies and organizations—public and private—require knowledge about their clientele, workforce, or surrounding populations. This usually means collecting data in one form or another, such as through a survey. However, many organizations are uncertain in how to optimize their data collection efforts or what to do with the data once they have been collected. They may unknowingly limit the power of their research by focusing on descriptive findings, while missing the patterns and associations hidden within the data. We are versed in optimizing data collection strategies and in unlocking and delivering results from data that have already been collected. Please let us know if you are interested and we will gladly answer any questions you may have.