PLACES Institute Campus and Community Engagement

Campus Engagement

Faculty Research Affiliates

The PLACES Institute coordinates research with faculty interested in starting or contributing to an existing research program (see current Research). The PLACES Institute will fund a limited number of faculty research projects focused on addressing issues of scientific relevance in the local area and Catirondack region. Program participants must publish at least one PLACES Institute report aimed at the public and policymakers, and PLACES fellows will assist and mentor scholars with scholarly publications. Preference will be given to projects that can engage students, build interdisciplinary knowledge, and faculty mentorship, and have the potential for external funding in the future.

Student Scholars

The PLACES Institute seeks to implement a program through which students may become directly involved in the various research projects underway. The goal of the practicums would be to allow students to receive college credit for engaging in these research projects. Students will be involved through their connection to Faculty Affiliates.

Student Research Paper Competition

15th Annual PLACES Paper Competition

Deadline for Submissions: May 1, 2025 (by 11:59 pm)
Email to:


The PLACES Paper Competition will accept any paper written by a SUNY Oneonta undergraduate student. Papers should address some contemporary social, political, or historical topic of concern. Examples include sustainability, poverty, environmental change, peace and conflict, education, politics, NY State history, architecture, health, religion, identity, diversity, etc. There are two categories (below).

Category I: Short Essay

Prize: $50.00 gift card to Red Dragon Outfitters, Automatic publication in SOAR Journal.
Length: up to ten double-spaced pages in length, not including references and title page.
Type: Submission could be a research note, literature review, or book review.

Category II: Long Essay

Prize: $100.00 gift card to Red Dragon Outfitters, Automatic publication in SOAR Journal
Length: 11-30 double-spaced pages, not including references and title page.
Types: research papers, extended review essays, analysis of data or evidence (research article).

Submission Criteria

Papers must be formatted as Word documents, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with margins of 1 inch; include a title page with the author’s full name, email address, title of the paper and submission category (Long or Short); include a references page. We recommend APA style formatting for most social science papers, or Chicago Manual of Style for historical papers. These are the standards used by SOAR, and this will facilitate the publication process for the winners. Papers may not be co-authored with faculty or other students. One submission per student.

Please email if you have any questions.

Community Engagement

The PLACES Institute seeks to work with local and regional partners to promote the development and improvement of Oneonta and the broader Catirondack region. If you are from an organization and have an idea for a local research project, please contact us at We encourage and support our faculty who partner with local and regional organizations to collaborate on valuable research that benefits the local area and region. If you already have collaborations with our faculty and are ready to submit a proposal for the Community Partners research program, please see the information under our Call for Proposals. We also offer direct consulting and contract services if organizations would like to hire the PLACES Institute to carry out research projects on their behalf. Please see the Contract and Consulting Services page for more information on contracts and consulting. Another function of the PLACES Institute is the sharing of information in a free and public manner through our Publications page. Please peruse our publications, where you will find information about the local population, economy, infrastructure, and other challenges and opportunities for growth.