Physics & Astronomy Facilities


Most of the department's facilities are located in the newly renovated Physical Science Building. We have well-equipped physics laboratories and excellent astronomy observational facilities.

Teaching Facilities

Teaching facilities include:

  • Three laboratories for introductory physics and astronomy courses.
  • One well-equipped computer-based laboratory for both introductory and upper-level courses. The lab contains software relevant for both numerical analysis and computer-aided design.
  • Four laboratories for upper-level courses which include specialized capabilities in optics, atomic and nuclear physics, electronics, and photonics/holography.

Astronomy has observational facilities at the College Camp, located a short distance from the campus. Resources include both permanently mounted and mobile telescopes, plus data acquisition equipment. The observatory also features our 1-meter mobile reflecting telescope.

Additional physics and astronomy facilities include a machine shop, digital planetarium, and access to a Windows computer lab.

Research Facilities

The faculty of the Physics & Astronomy Department operate a number of research laboratories, including:

Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory

The Astronomical Observatory located at the College Camp includes permanently mounted 16-inch and 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes housed under separate domes. Also present is a complete computerized astronomical CCD image acquisition and analysis system and science-grade UBVRI and Sloan ugriz filter sets, and six smaller telescopes. The observatory also features our 1-meter mobile reflecting telescope.

The Magnetic Observatory, also periodically located at the College Camp, is equipped with a Narod Geophysics long period digitally recording magnetotelluric system with three component ring-core magnetometer sensors.

Infrared Laser Laboratory

Infrared Laser lab equipped with a high-power axial flow carbon dioxide laser. This laser is frequency tunable and it can be configured for pulsed or continuous output.

Magnetic Measurement Laboratory

The Magnetism and Magnetic Materials lab is equipped with a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. This VSM uses a 1.0 Tesla water-cooled electromagnet, a mechanism for sample vibration, and a signal detection system that utilizes a Stanford Research SR530 lock-in amplifier. Currently this VSM is configured for a variable temperature range from room temperature to about 900 K using a Lakeshore model 330 temperature controller. Data is acquired by a PC with an IEEE-488 interface.

Advanced Mechanics/Materials Testing Laboratory

The Advanced Mechanics lab is equipped with an Instron-8511 materials testing machine, and an ECP Rectilinear Control system. Additionally, the department has purchased the L-Edit software for student projects on design and fabrication of wave guides.

Thin Film Laboratory

The Thin Films/High Vacuum lab is equipped with two thermal evaporation units, Norton NRC-3115 and Denton DV-502. One of these (DV-502) is fitted with a precise Coatings Monitor System. The AFRL at Rome, NY, is in the process of purchasing a Spin Coater for Polymer Waveguides to be housed in this lab. This purchase is enabled by the CRDA agreement that exists between the two institutions.

Other Facilities

While primarily an undergraduate institution, there is a strong research and related-program emphasis and support structure at SUNY Oneonta, including clerical, grant writing, post-award management and accounting staff. Additional resources available to the physical sciences programs include:

The College Camp is located approximately two miles from the main campus of SUNY Oneonta. Located on former farm and woodland, its purpose is to provide recreational, social, and educational opportunities for the SUNY Oneonta community.

Located on the first floor of the Physical Science Building, the Science Discovery Center is a free, public resource center for hands-on science.