Ryan Berkowitz

Ryan Berkowitz
Selden, NY
Year of Graduation

Why SUNY Oneonta?

My friend was pretty dead-set on coming to Oneonta. I knew I wanted to do business, and he told me they had a really good business program, so I decided to check it out. I came to campus and I just loved it. I just had this idea in my head like, "Yeah, this is 100 percent the place I can definitely be the next four years."

My Activities

Young Americans for Liberty

Best Experiences

Definitely just hanging out with the friends I’ve met in my dorm. Everyone in my hallway, we all get together, hang out, go out to lunch together and go into town as a group. It’s just great being a part of a community, whether we’re in the dorm room spending time with neighbors or volunteering at an event with friends.

Plans, Goals, Dreams

I love singing. In high school, I was in a barbershop group and we did a few competitions, including one in California. I’m going to try to find three people to start a barbershop quartet on campus. I’d love to start something like that here.

As far as a dream job, I want to go into politics. I want to start out locally in my hometown, and the end goal is to become the first Jewish president, so I have to start from the bottom and try and work my way up.

Favorite Class

Probably my political science class because we’re always having debates about modern-day issues and, when you talk about that outside of that setting, those conversations don’t usually go so well. But it’s good having a teacher there who’s open-minded and encourages us to do the same.