
The mission of the Oneonta Auxiliary Services is to support SUNY Oneonta through our commitment to exceptional customer service as we establish, operate, manage, enhance, and promote programs and auxiliary services for the benefit of the SUNY Oneonta community.

This convenient web service provides 24 hour access to Dragon Dollar and Retail Dining Dollar accounts. Login to GET and you will be able to view your account histories, deposit money, deactivate card services due to a lost or stolen card, and more...

NOTE: Availability of money added to the ID card through the student bill may be affected by financial aid disbursement policies.

Save your sales slips! No sales slip, no returns.

  • All sale items and promotional items are non-returnable.
  • All returns must be accompanied by cash register receipt within the time allotted.
  • All merchandise must be in new, unused condition, suitable for resale.
  • Garments which appear to have been worn may not be returned.
  • Returns must be made within one month of purchase date with receipt.
  • Merchandise refunds will be made in the same manner of the purchase. Cash for cash sale; charge credit for charge sale, Dragon Dollar credit for Dragon Dollar sale. No exceptions.
  • Defective merchandise may be exchanged for the same item within a reasonable time.



The Board of Directors of Oneonta Auxiliary Services of SUNY Oneonta establishes the policy for refunds of any monies paid by students of the university for dining plans, as well as the rollover of any retail dining dollars from one academic period to another. OAS will advise our food service provider, Sodexo, of this policy so it may be incorporated in marketing and other informational material published by that company. OAS will also consult with Student Accounts, Residence Life and Housing, and any other parties responsible for material placed in critical public documents (i.e. Academic Catalogs, Student Handbook, Student Billing brochure, Residence Hall License) to ensure that the policy is consistently represented.

The refund policy we have developed is in compliance with New York State Tax Law governing the exemption of educational institutions from tax on their dining plans. Reference is 1105 (d) (ii) (B). Our refund schedule is based solely on the passage of time as opposed to consumption of food as the basis for the refund. Documentation concerning this matter, including legal opinions of OAS counsel, SUNY Counsel, the Tax Department and other miscellaneous sources is contained in a file entitled “Refund Policy” in the OAS Office. Please note that the refund policy only applies to dining plans; additional deposits made in retail dining dollars are not refundable.

The OAS Board has approved a liability schedule with two components:

  • A basic administrative overhead cost is incurred in establishing and initiating any dining plan for a student, regardless of the withdrawal date or the length of time spent at the campus. Costs include insurance, equipment maintenance and repair, administrative operating expenses, depreciation, facilities reserves, and other related expenses delineated in the OAS Budget. The amount of this charge is calculated based on operating expense and facilities reserves as a percentage of total revenue. This is included in the 1st week charge of the semester's refund schedule.

Key Policy Items:

  • A student withdrawing/taking a leave during a given semester will be liable as indicated in the schedule for the plan selected.
  • A student who is classified “refused admission” by the Admissions Office after arriving on campus, but before the first day of classes, is not considered enrolled. Such student, by definition, would be on the Resident Dining plan. We would charge the daily rate per day for the access to Mills and Wilsbach, for each day the student is here. In addition, the student will be charged for any purchases made from their retail dining dollars portion of that plan. The student will have no further liability.
  • A student who is withdrawing/taking a leave after the end of the fall semester, is not entitled to a refund of retail dining dollars.
  • For a student who has an unused retail dining dollars at the end of the fall semester and “clears” Student Accounts for spring semester, OAS will roll such balance forward. (Each student must select another plan within the appropriate category for spring, regardless of the amount carried forward.) Refund calculations are based on the current semester liability and balances only.
  • Students who opt for retail dining dollars during one or more summer sessions and have a balance left at the end of the summer will have that balance rolled forward to fall, as long as that student is “cleared” for that semester by Student Accounts.
  • No refunds will be made for any unused retail dining dollars after the end of the spring semester.
  • If at any time a student is dismissed from SUNY Oneonta for disciplinary reasons, there will be no dining refund.
  • Please note that Dining Plans are refundable as indicated in this policy. However, additional deposits made in retail dining dollars are not refundable.


  • Our “Academic Year” is defined as beginning with the summer session and ending with the following spring semester.
  • Under New York State tax laws, due to the exempt nature of our dining plans, students who have an unused declining balance and do not return to school in the spring semester, or who have unused balances at the end of spring semester, forfeit those balances.
  • If a student leaves the residence halls at the end of the fall semester but returns as a student for the spring semester, any retail dining dollars from fall semester will be carried forward to spring semester as long as he/she has “cleared” Student Accounts. However, if the student subsequently withdraws, he/she would forfeit any remaining balance.
  • Refunds for semester dining plans will be made by Student Accounts based on liability calculated and provided by OAS.
  • “Cleared"” by Student Accounts, refers to the process of meeting the university's financial requirements. Once that status is certified to OAS by Student Accounts, we consider that person to be enrolled for that semester.

As authorized previously by the OAS Board of Directors and revised September 2, 2008 and June 17, 2009.

This is a policy outline. A copy of the refund policy is available in the OAS Office. Call 607-436-3352 or email your request to

Campus Catering Policy:

  • If a group is holding an event on campus and would like to have food and/or refreshments, please contact Sodexo (Campus Dining Services). Sodexo has exclusive rights for catering on campus and at the College Camp with the one exception of Brooks BBQ. For more information please contact the Catering Office at x3934. Or visit the catering website.

This optional spending account is a fully refundable program is operated by the Oneonta Auxiliary Services (OAS). Your payment places a cash balance for purchasing convenience on your university ID/Dining Card. Dragon Dollars cannot be accessed for cash advances. If you return merchandise purchased with Dragon Dollars, credit will be placed on your account. Cash refunds for returns will not be issued. All purchases made with Dragon Dollars are subject to sales tax where applicable.

Your balance will automatically be carried forward from semester to semester. Dragon Dollars are refundable upon request at semester end or upon separation from the university. All Dragon Dollar refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee. Balances less than $5 after the processing fee will NOT be refunded. You need to provide a written request to the ID/Dining Card Office or to The written request must include your name, A0 number, home address, balance to be refunded, and your signature. If submitting via email, the request must be sent from your SUNY Oneonta email account. Balances not requested within 90 days after separation from the university will be forfeited.

Management of your account is easy using GET. You can review your account activity over the last six months on a 24 hours 7 day a week basis. You can also add to your account at any time.

Gift Card Terms and Conditions:

Use of the gift card constitutes acceptance of the following:

  • When using the card, all applicable NYS sales tax laws apply.
  • Gift cards may be redeemed at any location that accepts dragon dollars.
  • Gift cards can only be redeemed for purchases with the card present.
  • Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash.
  • Protect this card as though it were cash. Gift cards are non-refundable and will not be replaced if lost, stolen or damaged.

Gift cards do not expire, but any gift card that has no activity for a period of 12 months will incur a monthly administrative fee of $5/month until such time that activity resumes or the balance is depleted.

  • Retail Dining Dollars are available for food purchases only.
  • Retail Dining Dollars are carried over from the fall to spring semester and added to the spring meal plan once their semester bill is paid.
  • Remaining Retail Dining Dollars are non-refundable according to New York State tax laws.
  • The ID Card is the official university identification.
  • Building Access - ID cards can be used for access to residence hall exterior doors and computer labs and laundry rooms.
  • Dining - ID cards are used in both Resident and On the Go dining venues. Registers will show your present balance after each Retail Dining Dollars transaction.
  • Dragon Dollar debit card account -Your card can be used to make convenient purchases in the Red Dragon Outfitters, Marketplace at Mills, and any dining facility. You may pay campus parking fees at University Police, purchase extra print quota, and purchase on-campus event tickets. The card may be used at participating off-campus food merchants. The card can also be used to make copies in the Milne Library.
  • Vending - ID cards can be used to make purchases in vending machines with card access readers in all residence halls and some academic buildings. When someone uses their card in a vending machine, the machine will automatically first look for and use Retail Dining Dollars and then Dragon Dollars automatically.
  • Library Card - You will need your ID card to check out materials from Milne Library.
  • The ID card is also your Student Activity Card (SAC) and your bus pass.
  • Questions about your ID card? Email them to:
  • Faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the university are authorized to use College Camp property. Community members are welcome to use camp property when they are a guest of an employee or student of the university.
  • Camp is open 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily. The main gate is locked at 8:00 p.m.. Please plan accordingly.
  • If you have an emergency, there is a phone mounted on a pole between the lodge and the caretaker cabin. You may call University Police at 607-436-3550 or dial 911.
  • Camp property must be respected at all times. Guests must not destroy property in any way. Stone walls and landscaped areas must not be disturbed. Persons causing damage will be responsible for the cost of repairing damage. Violators will be reported to the University Police Department.
  • All vehicle drivers must drive with caution, obey posted speed limits, and stay on designated roadways.
  • Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult who assumes responsibility for the supervision of the children.
  • Fishing is permitted in the pond. No hunting, swimming, firearms, pets, horses, or snowmobiles are allowed. No motorcycles, ATV’s, snowmobiles, or other vehicles are allowed on the grounds.
  • Open fires are allowed only in existing fireplaces and grills. Use wood found on the ground for fires or charcoal. (Note: Cut firewood in the storage shed is for use in the lodge only. Firewood may not be removed from camp property.)
  • You are strongly recommended to not undertake activities at camp alone. However, if you do, let someone else know where and for how long you will be at the camp.
  • Personal collecting of wildflowers, geological specimens, or historic relics is prohibited.
  • Camp users are responsible for their own trash. If you pack it in, please pack it out.
  • Campers should not disturb the caretaker after 8 p.m. unless he is needed for an emergency situation.
  • Sodexo is the food service contractor for OAS, and has exclusive rights for catering at the College Camp. The only exception is Brooks House of Bar-B-Q. Groups may prepare and bring in their own food.
  • Consumption of alcohol is not permitted on College Camp premises, except when an event is catered and/or planned through Sodexo.
  • Camp guests are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of New York State and the policies of the State University of New York and SUNY Oneonta. The right to use the camp may be denied to any person not observing the regulations.
  • Lodge Reservations can be made at the Oneonta Auxiliary Services Office in the RDO. To check availability, obtain general information, or inquire about lodge usage rates, please call 607-436-3157 or visit
  • For information on Observatory events, please call the Physics and Astronomy Department at 607-436-3192.

General Camping Rules & Regulations: These policies pertain to ALL campers:

  • All campers need to get their free camping permit from the Director of Outdoor Programs in the Outdoor Resource Center, located in the Hunt Union, prior to going up to the College Camp. Permits may be available from the Caretaker at the College Camp but there is no guarantee there will be any left when you arrive. All camping permits are available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Campers must check in with the College Camp Caretaker and present him with their permit prior to entering their lean-to.
  • Unless there is an evening program, the College Camp gate is locked daily at 8:00 p.m. and then reopens each morning by 8:00 a.m. Barring emergencies, campers will not be let in or out of the Camp when the gate is closed.
  • When the gate is locked the entrance road is officially closed to all but College Camp personnel. Campers are not to be driving on the road after dark.
  • Campers are expected to be in their lean-to area unless walking to or from the bathroom and water facilities or visiting another lean-to area after dark.
  • Campfires need to be kept in the fire pits provided and should be attended at all times. Also, be sure that all campfires are out (cold to the touch) before leaving them for any reason. Please collect only dead and down wood for your fires.
  • Campers need to clean up their site before leaving the College Camp. Trash should be taken to one of the cans or receptacles found in the picnic area.
  • From May 1 to Sept. 30 water & outhouse facilities will be available in the picnic area. From Oct. 1 to Apr. 30 all campers will need to use the bathroom facilities in the basement level of the lodge.
  • Quiet hours are from 10 PM to 8 AM each day. Please respect other campers
  • Alcohol is not permitted in the camping areas at any time.
  • Lean-tos are designed for up to six (6) people. Permits will not be given out for a higher occupancy.

Final Note: Failure to follow these rules & regulations, the laws of New York State, and the policies of SUNY Oneonta could lead to your being asked to leave the College Camp property and a forfeiture of all future camping permits.

Vending machines accept cash, Retail Dining Dollars or Dragon Dollars. If you swipe your university ID card, the vending machine is programmed to debit your Declining Balance before looking for Dragon Dollars.

To request a refund, please call the Vending Hot Line 607-436-2331 and clearly leave the following information:

  • the location of the vending machine.
  • the type of machine, ‘Coke’, snack, water, juice, etc.
  • the amount of money that was lost.
  • your name.
  • your address.
  • your phone.

To report other vending machine problems, also call 607-436-2331.

We cash university community payroll checks (up to $600), refund checks from our Student Accounts Office (up to $600), personal checks and postal money orders. We cash personal checks for students and/or staff up to a limit of $150 per week. Off-campus paychecks up to a maximum of $150 may be cashed. There is a $1.00 check cashing fee.

A student or employee of the university community must present a valid ID card to cash their university payroll or personal check.

There is a $20 fee for each returned check and check cashing services are revoked until restitution is made.

We do not cash or accept starter checks. All checks must be pre-printed with name and address.

OAS Offices

Red Dragon Outfitters
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta , NY 13820
Tel. 607-436-3352
Fax 607-436-3642