Student Employment at Hunt Union

Student Employment

Applying to work at the Hunt Union

Please note that we may not be hiring at any given time. Look to the weekly broadcast for specific hiring notices/periods.

Student positions at the Hunt Union :

  • HUb > none at this time.
  • Dragon's Lair > none at this time.
  • Office Assistant > none at this time.
  • Marketing Assistant > none at this time.
  • Student Building Manager > anticipate 1 or 2 position(s) for fall 2025– applications due 4:30 p.m. March 7.
  • Event Support Intern > none at this time.

The Hunt Union employment application is online. You will need to log in to Campus Connection to complete it.

General Duties

Student Managers are selected based on their ability to assume responsibility, to work cohesively with their fellow students, to handle emergency situations calmly and efficiently, and to serve as the primary point persons and trouble-shooters for all activities and events that occur in the Union after regular office hours and weekends. Managers work one night a week and on alternate weekends. The regular pay rate is $16.00 per hour. Managers will work on average approximately 15 hours per week.

Student Managers serve as “Guest Relations Specialists” and provide extraordinary customer service and event management support. Managers will help maintain the safety, security and comfort of our guests by quickly resolving guest concerns and they play a role in maintaining the Hunt Union’s appearance.

Student Building Managers (SBM’s) are selected based on their ability to assume responsibility, to work cohesively with their fellow students, university employees and the public; to handle emergency situations calmly and efficiently; and to serve as the primary point persons and trouble-shooters for all activities and events that occur in the Union. SBM’s practice our department motto "You Have A Place Here" by providing a positive customer service experience to all guests and building occupants; and provide quality event management support. SBM’s help maintain the safety, security and comfort of our guests by quickly resolving guest concerns and communicating with university officials/UPD as needed. They provide leadership, direction and example for our guests and peers. They assume responsibility for the Hunt Union in the absence of the professional or full-time staff on weeknights and weekends and initiate emergency procedures when necessary. Meet at regular intervals with the Director to report on building operations, events and services. They provide operational and event support for nearly 3,000 bookings per year to more than 1,600 persons per day (10 year average-based on digital visitor traffic counters installed at entrances).

Duties and tasks

  • Review the Event Management System (EMS) set up sheet prior to start of a shift to ensure all event and meeting rooms, the house audio/visual equipment, and furniture arrangements are set up as requested and operational; they correct and resolve set ups as needed.
  • SBM’s are trained to use house A/V equipment including the professional grade lighting system in the ballroom.
  • SBM’s confer with event support staff and customers to ensure needs are met or resolved; set up equipment for the next day as per the set-up worksheet.
  • Conduct regular rounds of the facility checking rooms and exit doors for security; follow up on events as needed; and monitor fire exits are not obstructed or egress violated; check fire extinguishers; and remove unauthorized flyers from walls, glass, doors, and bathrooms.
  • SBM’s enforce relevant federal, state and local laws as well as campus and building policies (especially Pandemic compliance).
  • SBM’s are trained & help facilitate shelter in place emergency procedures as initiated by UPD.
  • SBM’s help engage or assist persons in crisis and work in collaboration with UPD to interact with emotionally distressed and/or agitated patrons.
  • Periodically plan, provide and evaluate programming with LEAD credit opportunities.
  • Assist in the management of department social media accounts (Instagram).
  • SBM’s will monitor NWS weather radios, campus information & media sources and communicate with department staff and UPD as needed.
  • Manage all bulletin boards in the facility to maintain current postings.
  • Phone in and submit work requests for repairs as necessary (plumbing, heating, electrical, telecom, card access or emergency repairs); take photos as necessary for nightly reports.
  • SBM’s will exercise crowd management protocols directed by Office of Facilities for events in ballroom, or building wide when capacity is highest.
  • Work in tandem with custodial staff to remove garbage or clean areas when needed.
  • SBM’s provide leadership by providing supervision and support to HUb associates and provide guidance to event support and Dragon’s Lair staff. Contribute in the selection, training, and evaluation of fellow student staff.
  • Assist patrons with Urgent Room Requests and record in EMS.
  • Provide assistance with patrons checking out equipment for out-of-building use and Event Pass Check-in devices based on established procedures.
  • Assist in monitoring the food shelf program.
  • Prepare the building for opening on the weekends and close nightly based established protocols; ensure the HUb area tickets/keys/cash drop boxes are secure and all cabinets and drawers are secure before departure.
  • Assist in handing out visitors passes and processing lost in found, and key check out when HUb Associates are not available.
  • SBM’s participate in department assessment activities.
  • SBM’s are familiar and will use the department and campus websites, Campus Connection, Trello, Facebook, shift logs, and other resources to retrieve frequently requested information on departments, events and persons; Managers will file regular shift reports in Trello.
  • SBM’s will check their personal email account and required work reporting mechanism (Trello, GROUPME, Facebook Log) regularly and reply to requests from managers or co-workers in a timely fashion.

Event Support Interns will assist with planning and executing events in the Hunt Union and select events outside of the union.

Event Interns will be responsible for:

  1. Contacting customer regarding event needs including setup and audio-visual.
  2. Recommending best practices to ensure maximum success of the event including:
  3. -Advertising technique
    -Setup recommendations
    -Audio-visual and lighting recommendations
  1. Delivering LEAD support to students; reviewing, and processing forms, and files to monitor for credit, and attendance in campus connection.
  1. Conveying any setup needs to the Hunt Union Events Coordinator
  1. Be on-site during event to run technology and check setups
  1. Coordinate with other building staff as necessary
  1. If participating for academic credit: review and recommend changes to current procedures related to events management.

Training/orientation will entail:

Hunt Union and HEC setup possibilities/capacities
Health and Safety Requirements
Audio Visual Equipment
Customer Service
Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion JEDI-Training
LEAD practices and processes

All interns will be paid. If receiving academic credit, there will be an hourly wage in addition to the credit. If not receiving academic credit, students will be paid hourly. Currently the hourly wage is $14.20 but will increase in 1/2024. Eligible students may apply for academic credit for one semester only but are welcome to stay on as interns in subsequent semesters at the discretion of the site supervisors.


  • Complete Training/Orientation (conducted prior to the start of classes)
  • ​Participation in meetings to coordinate events
  • Assist with major campus events including but not limited to: Red Day, Fall Concert, eXpo, Common Read, Family Weekend, and OH-fest.
  • Provide LEAD support to students and the program
  • Regular check-ins with site supervisors
  • Appropriate support for events assigned
  • File event reports in TRELLO (reporting platform)
  • Review of evaluations conducted by site supervisors and, if applicable, faculty supervisor
  • Keep storage areas well organized and return items to their appropriate place
  • Two office hours per week
  • Attend bi-weekly staff meetings

Identified Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate understanding of event planning and management.
  • Demonstrate awareness of health and safety codes relating to event management.
  • Demonstrate responsibility and respect by being at work on time, working their entire shift, behaving respectfully and politely, and completing assigned tasks.
  • Develop cultural competency and practice inclusion
  • Demonstrate effective teamwork.
  • Develop a thorough understanding of appropriate technical support in the Union.
  • Develop an understanding of the LEAD program with the ability to articulate its merits and educate peers through the process.
  • Be able to work independently and to problem solve.
  • Demonstrate effective listening skills and appropriately share comments and feedback with supervisors.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the university, Hunt Union, and the role of a college union.
  • Practice our department motto “You Have a Place Here” by providing a positive customer service experience to all guests and building occupants including but not limited to warmly greeting patrons, professionally responding to inquiries in all forms, providing our customers with correct information, and resolving their concerns.
  • Work effectively with full-time employees and other student employees whose offices are in the Union.
  • Understand the role of employee evaluations and supervisory feedback.
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with the facilities, structures, policies, and programs of the Union and its constituents and be able to accurately convey this information.
  • Generate accurate job descriptions, including enumerating specific transferable skills, for use in future endeavors, resumes, and graduate school applications.
  • Be familiar with key administrators, faculty and staff.

120 hours (if receiving academic credit)


  • Full time student at SUNY Oneonta
  • Ability to legally be employed in the United States ​​​​​
  • Preference may be given to students pursuing coursework in:

-Audio Arts
-Music Industry
-Events Management

Strong preference for students who can be available for 2 semesters or the academic year.

Apply online via the Hunt Union webpage. Applications are CLOSED

As part of the application please be prepared to submit a resume and cover letter. If you need assistance with this contact the Career Planning and Networking Center in Hunt Union. The link to application:

After a review of applications, selected candidates will be invited to an interview.

Phase I: Interviews will be conducted in-person during the week of XXXX , with selected students moving on to phase 2.

Phase 2: Experiential Interview (will be paid) on XXX as final candidates will assist with OH-fest.

  1. Be punctual. Attire for the HUb is casual (jeans, t-shirts, etc.) Hats are not permitted. Those working should be behind the desk.
  2. Warmly greet patrons, provide positive customer service, respond to all inquiries with correct information and resolve concerns in person and/or while answering the phone.
  3. Learn and use Trello board to best communicate with co-workers and supervisor. Encouraged to download Trello app on phone if possible. (Should always be open at the desk during your shift)
  4. Monitor HU Info email account for inquiries and respond when necessary. (Should always be open)
  5. Opening and closing – making sure monitor at HUb desk is on and correct slideshow is on screen. Monitors should be shut off at the end of the week. Ex. Today in Hunt Union on wall monitor and appropriate screen for desk monitor.
  6. Early Open and Close - Student workers may be asked to report to work for early opening for special campus events. At closing of the building, the student HUb staff are expected to assist the manager during closing rounds.
  7. Become familiar with the room spaces in Hunt Union to effectively direct guests to the appropriate space. Ex. Meeting Rooms, Continuing Education, Office of Student Experience, GSRC, SA, Activities Council, IGC, Sustainability, 220 Offices, Outdoor Programs, Experiential Learning Center – Global Studies, Student Affairs, Grants Development, CVCE.
  8. Be familiar with the events, meetings of the day, week, provided by Event Report. Refer inquiries to the proper location. If in doubt about the information you are giving out, contact a Hunt Union staff member, manager or campus offices.
  9. Be familiar with where key offices are located on campus – Admission, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Academic Advisement, Career Planning and Networking, Registrar, Residential Life, Parking Office, UPD.
  10. Be familiar with Lost and Found procedures. Receive and record items, log in binder and on Trello. Follow procedure when items are picked up by owner. Ex. Items of value locked away; ID Cards notify ID/Dining Card Office personnel. Owner will sign Lost and Found Binder when item is picked up.
  11. Cash drawer – follow procedure of counting cash before and after shift, especially during high volume ticket sales. There should always be $250 in drawer.
  12. Key Drawer – follow procedure for room keys. Key Binder includes list of organizations and members with permission to sign out key.
  13. Issue Parking Passes per procedure agreed upon with University Police.
  14. Ticket Sales – HUb Staff will sell tickets for events on campus and become familiar with the ticket sales program and ticket sales report. HUb Staff will also follow end of shift procedures to complete sales report, lock sales report and cash in safe with Manager or Supervisor.
  15. Other pertinent duties may be assigned by Hunt Union staff, supervisor or manager.