Advertising Events

Below are resources that you may use to advertise your upcoming events.

Please plan ahead to get the maximum publicity for your event.

Please do NOT publicize your event until your location reservation has been confirmed.

In addition to appearing on Campus Connection, events posted (as public or campus only) and approved on time will also appear:

  • in the#OneyEvents weekly email sent to all students - must be posted and approved by Wednesday of the week prior to it being published
  • on the campus connection opportunity board which appears on various campus websites and serves as SUNY Oneonta’s primary event calendar
  • in the RSS feed of events on myOneonta
  • in the weekly events video on myOneonta

In order to create an event on Campus Connection, you must have authorization to post on behalf of your organization.

  • If you’re an SA-funded organization, or a Greek organization, you should already have a page.
  • If you’re a university department, you can use the SUNY Oneonta Campus Connection page (email bill harcleroad for access)
  • If you need to post on behalf of an organization that doesn’t fit the above-categories, please email bill harcleroad to request access to a Campus Connection page designed for short-term usage.

To create an event:

  1. Go to and click “Sign In” on the upper right hand corner
  2. Enter your SUNY Oneonta username and password to log in.
  3. You will now be brought to the landing page. You should see any organization you are a member of in the My Memberships section which is on the bottom half of the landing page. Click on the organization that you wish to add events for. This will bring you to the public page for your organization.
  4. Click on the manage organization button in the upper right hand corner (under the red bar). See above if you don't have this option and you are logged in.
  5. The site is designed for mobile so the next page seems relatively simple on a desktop browser.
    1. Swipe in from the left on a mobile device to access management functions; or
    2. Click on the "3 bars" under the SUNY Oneonta logo on a desktop browser
  6. Select the "gear" icon next to your organization and click on “Events” to go to the event management screen
  7. Click the blue “Create Event” button on the upper right corner of the screen (if you don't see this, you haven't been granted access; see above)
  8. Fill in all necessary information
    1. Event Title
    2. Theme
    3. Description – the more detailed the better!
    4. Start/End Times and Location (if an extended period of time you can add each day separately without having to submit multiple forms)
    5. Show to:
      1. Anyone in the world – anybody can see it whether or not they are logged in
      2. Students and Staff at Campus Connection– only people who are logged in can see this type of event
      3. Organization Members – only members of your organization will see this event (as such these are NOT included in the #OneyEvents broadcast)
      4. People invited by a host –only individuals who you invited by the host will see this event (as such these are NOT included in the #OneyEvent broadcast)
    6. Event Categories (select all that apply)
    7. Select Perks (free food, free stuff, free credit) - in this case, credit refers to LEAD credit.
    8. Upload a Flier (optional but recommended)
    9. Reservation Information from the building administrator/reservationist - basically proof that you have reserved the space
  9. Hit the Next button
  10. Select RSVP options and hit Next
  11. Select feedback options and hit Next
  12. Upload a Cover Photo (optional but recommended)
  13. Specify whether your event is a fundraiser, you would like to offer LEAD credit, or involves copyrighted works (details below)
  14. Be sure to hit Submit on the last page in order for your event to go through!
  15. After submitted, the event will go to the correct governing body for approval.
  16. Once approved, you will be emailed.

Other Features of Campus Connection:

  • Fundraising Forms – If your organization is holding a fundraiser (any event where you will be collecting money), you need to fill out a form with SUNY Oneonta. Fortunately, this form is now built into campus connection. If you specify that your event is a fundraiser, Campus Connection will ask you several follow-up questions about the fundraiser specifically.
  • LEAD Credit – The LEAD program is a comprehensive leadership program at Oneonta designed to provide students with co-curricular educational leadership programs to prepare them for life after college. If your event is educational in any way, it may qualify for LEAD credit! Look through the LEAD Leadership Outcomes to see if any relate to your event. If so, apply for LEAD credit and it may attract additional students to your event! To qualify, you must have a faculty or staff member assisting you in planning the educational portion of the event.
  • Copyrighted Material - If you are showing a movie or TV show you must state that you have procured the public performance rights or have a faculty member who is making it an educational event.

Campus Connection

One of the best ways to advertise your event is to have fliers printed and posted on campus.

SA - If you’re an SA-funded organization, the SA will make 50 free copies of your event flyer for you (black & white ink on colored paper). Just complete this form and we will let you know when your copies are ready.

Print Shop - SUNY Oneonta has a professional print shop that can print posters, flyers, brochures, and other materials in almost any size. The print shop offers a huge discount to on-campus organizations, so they’re a great resource to have. If you’re looking to get full-color posters printed, or fliers in bulk, stop in the print shop in the basement of Netzer to get a quote! If you’re an SA-funded organization, complete this form and we will place the order for you. If you are not an SA organization, please work with your advisor to see if you can get items printed. You can also email the print shop or call them at (607) 436-2508 if you have any questions.

Hanging Posters on Campus: This is per building so make sure to plan accordingly

  • Residence Halls – If you would like to have your posters hung in all residence halls, stop in the Residence Life office and ask to put your posters in the hall mailboxes.
  • Hunt Union – To have posters hung in Hunt Union, bring your posters to the info desk to have them approved.
  • Schumacher – To have posters hung in Schumacher, bring your posters to Schumacher 100 to have them approved.
  • Fine Arts, Fitzelle, IRC, Science 1, Physical Science, Chase, HECO – These buildings are more or less “free range.” There is not a specific person you need to bring your posters to in order to have them approved. If a bulletin board looks like it’s used for events (not a board containing info for a class or specific use, etc.), feel free to hang up your poster but, PLEASE, come back and take it down after your event.

There are several media-themed clubs on campus who are more than willing to help you advertise your event if you contact them via campus connection.

  • OnMark (the Marketing Club) - The SUNY Oneonta Marketing Club is a very active group who work on all things marketing. If you would like help marketing your event (creating fliers, writing announcements, etc.), contact them!
  • WONY - WONY, our student-run campus radio station, does free news announcements every day.
  • The State Times - If you’re planning a major event, it’s possible you can get a free article written in the State Times, our student-run campus newspaper. The State Times comes out every Wednesday (is generally laid out on Monday), but make sure to contact them well in advance. They also print flyers (usually from the Campus Connection flyer board) but you could submit directly.
  • The WIRE - If you’re planning your event well in advance, it’s possible that you could get the WIRE, our student-run campus TV station, to film and air a commercial for you.
  • The Film Club - If you’re planning your event well in advance, it’s possible that you could get the Film Club to film a promotional video for your event to be put on YouTube or other social media sites.

SUNY Oneonta's communication and marketing office is experienced in writing news releases and contacting media outlets. If you’re putting on a major event, email the Office of Communication and Marketing to see if they can help to promote your event.

The quad banner spaces are reserved on the EMS system. There are only a few spaces. Banners should not be hung without a reservation and should be taken down as soon as possible after your reservation ends.

Building Hours

Building Hours when classes are in session

7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

9 a.m. - 11 p.m.

10 a.m. - 9 p.m. (Starbucks only, HUb closed)

Starbucks Hours

Office of Student Life and Leadership (Room 220)
For building reservations and general department info call 607-436-3722

For ticket sales and campus information call 607-436-3730

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