
The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) has been the pre-eminent force for promoting standards in student affairs, student services, and student development programs since its inception in 1979. For the ultimate purpose of fostering and enhancing student learning, development, and achievement and in general to promote good citizenship, CAS continues to create and deliver a dynamic and credible Book of Professional Standards and Guidelines and Self-Assessment Guides that are designed to lead to a host of quality-controlled programs and services. These standards respond to real-time student needs, the requirements of sound pedagogy, and the effective management of currently 30 functional areas, consistent with institutional missions.

Individuals and institutions from the 35 CAS member organizations comprise a professional constituency of more than 100,000 professionals. Representing a significant majority of higher education practitioners in student programs and services throughout the country and beyond, no other body exists that so comprehensively speaks for this important field of endeavor. CAS will continue to have a significant impact, especially as institutional effectiveness, student learning, outcomes assessment, accountability, and quality assurance become increasingly important to higher education.

Student Learning and Development Co-curricular Outcomes

Understands ones own identity and culture. Seeks involvement with people different from oneself; Seeks involvement in diverse interests; Articulates the advantages and challenges of a diverse society; Challenges appropriately abusive use of stereotypes by others; Understands the impact of diversity on one’s own society.

Articulates career choices based on assessment of interests, values, skills and abilities; Documents knowledge, skills and accomplishments resulting from formal education, work experience, community service and volunteer experiences; Makes the connections between classroom and out-of-classroom learning; Can construct a resume with clear job objectives and evidence of related knowledge, skills and accomplishments; Articulates the characteristics of a preferred work environment; Comprehends the world of work; Takes steps to initiate a job search or seek advanced education.

Articulates personal values; Acts in congruence with personal values; Makes decisions that reflect personal values; Demonstrates a willingness to scrutinize personal beliefs and values; Identifies personal, work and lifestyle values and explains how they influence decision-making.

Works cooperatively with others; Seeks the involvement of others; Seeks feedback from others; Contributes to achievement of a group goal; Exhibits effective listening skills.

Writes and speaks coherently and effectively; Writes and speaks after reflection; Able to influence others through writing, speaking or artistic expression; Effectively articulates abstract ideas; Uses appropriate syntax; Makes presentations or gives performances.

Shows self-respect and respect for others; Initiates actions toward achievement of goals; Takes reasonable risks; Demonstrates assertive behavior; Functions without need for constant reassurance from others.

Chooses behaviors and environments that promote health and reduce risk; Articulate the relationship between health and wellness and accomplishing life long goals; Exhibits behaviors that advance a healthy community.

Produces personal and educational goal statements; Employs critical thinking in problem solving; Uses complex information from a variety of sources including personal experience and observation to form a decision or opinion; Obtains a degree; Applies previously understood information and concepts to a new situation or setting; Expresses appreciation for literature, the fine arts, mathematics, sciences, and social sciences.

Articulates leadership philosophy or style; Serves in a leadership position in a student organization; Comprehends the dynamics of a group; Exhibits democratic principles as a leader; Exhibits ability to visualize a group purpose and desired outcomes.

Develops and maintains satisfying interpersonal relationships; Establishes mutually rewarding relationships with friends and colleagues; Listens to and considers others’ points of view; Treats others with respect Independence Exhibits self-reliant behaviors; Functions autonomously; Exhibits ability to function interdependently; Accepts supervision as needed; Manages time effectively.

Sets articulates, and pursues individual goals; Articulates personal and educational goals and objectives; Uses personal and educational goals to guide decisions; Understands the effect of one’s personal and education goals on others.

Articulates personal skills and abilities; Makes decisions and acts in congruence with personal values; Acknowledges personal strengths and weaknesses; Articulates rationale for personal behavior; Seeks feedback from others; Learns from past experiences.

Achieves a balance between education, work and leisure time; Articulates and meets goals for work, leisure, and education; Overcomes obstacles that hamper goal achievement; Functions on the basis of personal identity, ethical, spiritual and moral values; Articulates long-term goals and objectives.

Understands and participates in relevant governance systems; Understands abides by, and participates in the development, maintenance, and/or orderly change of community, social, and legal standards or norms; Appropriately challenges the unfair, unjust, or uncivil behavior of other individuals or groups; Participates in service/volunteer activities.

Develops and articulates personal belief system; Understands roles of spirituality in personal and group values and behaviors.

Campus Activities Programs

CAS states that a "Campus Activities Program (CAP) must incorporate student learning and student development in its mission. The CAP must enhance overall educational experiences. ... The CAP must operate as an integral part of the institution’s overall mission. The CAP must complement the institution's academic programs. The purposes must enhance the overall educational experiences of students through the development of, exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, multicultural, intellectual, recreational, community service, and campus governance programs.

Campus activities programs should provide environments in which students and student organizations are afforded opportunities and are offered assistance to:

  • participate in co-curricular activities; participate in campus governance.
  • develop leadership abilities.
  • develop healthy interpersonal relationships; use leisure time productively.
  • explore activities in individual and group settings for self-understanding and growth.
  • learn about varied cultures and experiences, ideas and issues, art and musical forms, and styles of life.
  • design and implement programs to enhance social, cultural, multicultural, intellectual, recreational, community service, and campus governance involvement; comprehend institutional policies and procedures and their relationship to individual and group interests and activities; and learn of and use campus facilities and other resources.

Campus activities programs should be planned and implemented collaboratively by students, professional staff, and faculty. Such programs should reflect the institution's ideals and should serve to achieve its goals. These programs especially serve to enhance the appropriate recruitment and retention of students, to strengthen campus and community relations, and to reinforce accurate images of the institution. Programs should be comprehensive and should reflect and promote the diversity of student interests and needs, allowing especially for the achievement by students of a sense of self-worth and pride. “ (CAS Campus Activities Standards Part 1)

“The formal education of students consists of the curriculum and the co-curriculum and must promote student learning and development that is purposeful and holistic. The Campus Activities Program (CAP) must identify relevant and desirable student learning and development outcomes and provide programs and services that encourage the achievement of those outcomes." (CAS Campus Activities Standards Part 2)

Mission Statement

Student Life & Leadership @Hunt Union
"We will promote and provide intentional co-curricular and social opportunities for the campus and surrounding communities that support the mission of SUNY Oneonta, enhance the collegiate experience, and build community."

Hunt Union Facebook: @HuntCollegeUnion / Twitter @HuntUnion

Building Hours

Building Hours when classes are in session

7:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

9 a.m. - 11 p.m.

10 a.m. - 9 p.m. (Starbucks only, HUb closed)

Starbucks Hours

Office of Student Life and Leadership (Room 220)
For building reservations and general department info call 607-436-3722

For ticket sales and campus information call 607-436-3730

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