Tax Relief Information

IRS Form 1098T Tuition Statement

Tax Incentives are available for students and their parents. To find out more about the American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit visit the IRS website. The Department of Education also maintains some good content in this area.

Former students can access their current and prior 1098T forms here.

Current students can access the student 1098T information at myOneonta (ID# and PIN required). After login, go to the “Webservices” card. Then click on the “Tax Notification link under “Student Accounts.” Once you select this you will be able to enter the tax year you are looking for.

  • Box 1 - Payments Received
    Payments up to the amount of qualified tuition and fees are reported only if the payment was made in the calendar year..
  • Box 2 - Amounts billed for qualified tuition and fees
    This box is left intentionally blank.
  • Box 5 - Scholarships or Grants
  • This box includes payments of qualified grants and scholarships during the calendar year.

Federal School Code: 002847


****ATTENTION: Important IRS Regulatory Changes to 2018 1098-T Reporting****
Prior to 2018, the IRS provided Colleges and Universities the option of reporting Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 1) or Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 2). SUNY System Administration made a requirement that all SUNY schools report “amounts billed” (Box 2). In compliance with SUNY System Administration’s requirement, SUNY Oneonta included in Box 2 the amount that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account during the calendar (tax) year. Box 1 remained blank for all students.

Beginning with the 2018 tax year, IRS regulations now require all Colleges and Universities to report Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 1). “Amounts billed” (Box 2) reporting is no longer an option. In compliance with this new regulation SUNY Oneonta has reported in Box 1 the amount of QTRE paid during the calendar (tax) year. Box 2 has been eliminated.

For more information about Form 1098-T, visit IRS.

What is IRS Form 1098-T?
Who Receives a 1098-T?
Who Does NOT Receive a 1098-T?
Has a Copy of My 1098-T Been Sent to the IRS?
When Will I receive my 1098T?
Where can I get Tax Advice?
What is SUNY Oneonta’s Employer Identification Number (EIN?)
How do I access my 1098-T form online?
What is Included in Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE)?
What is the Amount in Box 1?
What Does it Mean if Box 2 is Blank?
Why is Box 3 Checked?
What is the Amount in Box 4?
What is the Amount in Box 5?
My Scholarships Do Not Appear in Box 5, What Does That Mean?
What is The Amount in Box 6?
What does the check mark in Box 7 mean?
What Does the Check Mark in Box 8 Mean?
What Does the Check Mark in Box 9 Mean?
I graduated in May. Why Didn’t I Receive a Form 1098-T?
Why Does the University Require Me to Supply My Social Security Number (SSN) or My Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)?
What if the SSN or ITIN on my Tax Form is Incorrect or Missing?

What is IRS Form 1098-T? The 1098T form is used by eligible educational institutions, including SUNY Oneonta, to report information about its students to the IRS as required by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

The form is also provided to you to assist you, or the person who can claim you as a dependent, in filing for education tax benefits and tax credits.

Eligible educational institutions are required to submit the following for all students for whom a reportable transaction is made:

• Student’s name

• Student’s Address

• Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number

• Enrollment status

• Academic status

• Amounts paid toward Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE)

• Scholarships and/or grants received

• If applicable – Adjustments to prior year’s QTRE and/or scholarships and/or grants.

Who Receives a 1098-T? Students who are U.S. Citizens OR permanent residents, whose enrollment credits are leading to a post-secondary degree and had reportable transactions (charges and payments) in the tax year will receive a completed 1098-T form from SUNY Oneonta.

Who Does NOT Receive a 1098-T? The following students do not receive a 1098-T:

• Non-resident, international students

• Students enrolled in courses that do not lead to a post-secondary degree at SUNY Oneonta (i.e. students enrolled in continuing education courses or non-matriculated students)

• Students with a third-party contract which pays 100% of QTRE.

Has a Copy of My 1098-T Been Sent to the IRS? Yes. Section 6050S of the Internal Revenue Code, as enacted by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 requires institutions to file form1098-T with the IRS to assist taxpayers and the IRS in determining eligibility for the Hope and Lifetime Learning education tax credits.

When Will I Receive My 1098T? Per federal law 1098-T forms must be postmarked by January 31st for those students with a reportable transaction (charges or payments) in the preceding year.

Electronic copies of 1098-T forms can be obtained here. Students will need to input:

  • First and Last Name
  • Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  • Zip Code that appears on their 1098-T form.

The student 1098T information (not the form) is also available online.

  1. Log into myOneonta
  2. Select the “Campus Resources” option in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click on the “Students” tab
  4. Click the “Tax Credit Information” link in the “Finances” block
  5. Input the tax year you are inquiring about and click “Submit”


  1. Log into Web Services
  2. Under “Student Services & Financial Aid”
  3. Click the link for “Student Records”
  4. Click the link for “Tax Notification.”

Where can I get Tax Advice? SUNY Oneonta and its employees cannot provide tax information, assistance, or advice. If you have any questions, you should consult with a qualified tax professional or contact the IRS Taxpayer Assistance line. The IRS web site has many documents, including some self-help topics for tax filers.

What is SUNY Oneonta’s Employer Identification Number (EIN?) SUNY Oneonta’s EIN is 16-1514621.

How do I access my 1098-T form online? Electronic copies of 1098-T forms can be obtained from Students will need to input:

  • First and Last Name
  • Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
  • Zip Code that appears on their 1098-T form.

Student 1098T information (not the form) is also available online:

  1. Log into myOneonta
  2. Select the “Campus Resources” option in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click on the “Students” tab
  4. Click the “Tax Credit Information” link in the “Finances” block
  5. Input the tax year you are inquiring about and click “Submit”


  1. Log into Web Services
  2. Under “Student Services & Financial Aid”
  3. Click the link for “Student Records”
  4. •Click the link for “Tax Notification.”

What is Included in Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE)? QTRE refers to tuition and required fees such as comprehensive fees and course fees that a student must pay to be enrolled at SUNY Oneonta. Tuition waivers are considered a reduction in QTRE.

QTRE do not include:

  • Amounts paid for any course or education involving sports, games or hobbies unless the course or education is required as part of the student’s degree program
  • Charges and fees for room, board, insurance, books, personal, living and other family expenses, late fees, parking fees and drop/add fees.

What is the Amount in Box 1? Beginning with the 2018 tax year, IRS regulations now require all Colleges and Universities to report Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 1).

Box 1 reports the total amount of payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses from all sources (personal payments, loans, scholarships, grants, etc.) during the calendar (tax) year (January 1 – December 31). The amount reported is the total amount of payments received toward QTRE, less any reimbursements or refunds made during the calendar year. It is not reduced by scholarships and grants also reported in Box 5 nor does it include payments received toward non-QTRE.

Please Note:

  • Qualified tuition and related expenses do not include certain charges, such as late fees, room and board, insurance and health services fees.
  • Because registration, billing and payment for the winter and spring terms can cross tax years, payment for winter and spring terms may not be on this year's tax form if the payments were made in the previous calendar year. However, payments toward a winter or future spring term are included if they were made in the 1098-T calendar year. .
  • Payments made in the previous calendar year for winter and spring terms billed in the previous year were reported on the previous year's form.
  • Please be aware of these circumstances when reviewing amounts in Box 1. It is suggested that you provide your tax preparer with copies of both the current and previous year's forms, as well as a copy of your payment history when preparing your taxes.

Prior to tax year 2018, SUNY Colleges and Universities chose to report Box 2 and did not report Box 1– Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses. Therefore, Box 1 will be blank for all SUNY Oneonta students on all 1098-T forms for tax years 2017 and prior. However, this does not mean your "payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses" were zero during those years.

What Does it Mean if Box 2 is Blank? Beginning with the 2018 tax year, IRS regulations require all Colleges and Universities report Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses (Box 1). Box 2 has been eliminated by the IRS as a reporting option.

Prior to tax year 2018, Box 2– Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses shows the net amount of qualified charges that were billed to your student account, not the amount paid during the calendar (tax) year (January 1 – December 31), regardless of the term the charges are for.

Please note: Registration for the Intersession and Spring semesters typically crosses tax years. Charges for a Winter or Spring semester will be included on the 1098-T if the registration occurred during that tax year. Payments toward a Winter or Spring semester will be included on the 1098-T if the registration and the payment occurred during that tax year.

Why is Box 3 Checked? Beginning with tax year 2018, in order to comply with the new IRS regulation, all Colleges and Universities must report “payments received” (Box 1).

SUNY’s reporting method prior to 2018 was “amounts billed” (Box 2). Under the new IRS regulation, Box 2 is no longer a reporting option so we changed our method to Box 1. This requires the University to check Box 3 to indicate that we changed reporting methods.

What is the Amount in Box 4? Box 4 - Adjustments made for a prior year shows an amount if qualified tuition and related expenses that were reported on a 1098-T for a prior year were subsequently reduced in the current tax year. These amounts, if any, may affect any allowable education credit you may have claimed for a prior year.

Please Note: • Box 4 will be blank for 2018 due to the change in reporting method from “amounts billed” (Box 2) to “payments received” (Box 1).

What is the Amount in Box 5? Box 5 - Scholarships or grants shows the net amount of certain forms of educational assistance received or applied to your student account during the tax year (January 1 – December 31), regardless of the term for which the funds were originally intended.

  • Box 5 amount includes payment from third parties (excluding family members and loan proceeds), including governmental and private entities such as the Department of Veterans Affairs, civic and religious organizations, and nonprofit entities.
  • Box 5 amount does not include 529 plan payments received from financial institutions.

My Scholarships Do Not Appear in Box 5, What Does That Mean? SUNY Oneonta bills for the Winter and Spring semesters (that begin in the next tax year) during the fall of the current tax year. Scholarships and grants do not post to the student’s account until after the term begins in the next tax year. Therefore, those scholarships will be on next year's form.

What is The Amount in Box 6? Box 6 - Adjustments to Scholarships or grants for a prior year shows an amount if scholarships or grants that were reported on a 1098-T for a prior year were subsequently adjusted or reduced in the current tax year. These amounts, if any, may affect any allowable education credit you may have claimed for a prior year.

What does the check mark in Box 7 mean? Beginning with the 2018 tax year, IRS regulations require all Colleges and Universities report Box 1 – Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses. Box 2 has been eliminated by the IRS as a reporting option.

Box 7 will be checked if Box 1 of the current year’s 1098-T form includes payments made toward next year’s January/Spring term if the charges were billed prior to December 31st.

Prior to tax year 2018: Box 7 will be checked if Box 1 of the current year’s 1098-T form includes qualified tuition and related expenses posted for next year’s January/Spring term if the charges were billed prior to December 31st.

Please Note: Registration for the Winter and Spring semesters typically crosses tax years. Charges for a Winter or Spring semester will be included on the 1098-T if the registration occurred during that tax year. Payments toward a Winter or Spring semester will be included on the 1098-T if the registration and the payment occurred during that tax year.

What Does the Check Mark in Box 8 Mean? Box 8 will be checked if you were considered to be enrolled at least half-time (6 or more credits) for one or more terms beginning during the tax year.

What Does the Check Mark in Box 9 Mean? Box 9 will be checked if you were enrolled in a graduate program for one or more terms beginning during the tax year.

I graduated in May. Why didn’t I receive a Form 1098-T? If you graduated in May, it is most likely your Spring term charges were billed in the prior year and included in your prior year Form 1098-T, Box 2 Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses.

Why does the University require me to supply my Social Security Number (SSN) or my Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)? Federal regulations require that the University request and retain your SSN or ITIN so that it may be reported on the 1098-T form.

If SUNY Oneonta records are missing your SSN or ITIN you will be requested and expected to provide it. As required by the Internal Revenue Code section 6109, you are required to provide the university with your correct SSN or ITIN so that we may issue you a valid 1098-T. If you fail to do so, the IRS may impose a penalty.

What if the SSN or ITIN on my tax form is incorrect or missing? To correct your SSN or ITIN on your tax form, you must fill out Form W-9S and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.