Spring Policies and Procedures

Failure to read this bulletin does not excuse students from the requirements and regulations described herein. SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to cancel any course because of insufficient enrollment or other reasons. Should cancellation be necessary, a student may choose another course or request a full refund.


All Students Please Note

  • Students who register after Jan. 21 will be assessed a Late Registration Fee of $40.00.
  • SUNY Oneonta reserves the right to cancel any course which does not maintain sufficient enrollment to warrant its offering.

In response to legislation in New York State, SUNY Oneonta assigned all students an Identification Number unique to Oneonta known as your Oneonta ID#. Although not required, you are strongly encouraged to learn and use your Oneonta ID# when conducting any business with SUNY Oneonta.

  1. You must use a computer with access to the World Wide Web.
  2. Log into your myOneonta account using your Oneonta username and password.
  3. Click on "My Student Profile.”
  4. View your ID number.

A student must attend one of the first two class hours in each course as well as the first laboratory (if applicable) or the instructor may declare the student’s place in a course vacant, and give it to another student.

Degree Undergraduate Students

Returning Students
Where: World Wide Web -or- Registrar’s Office, Netzer 130
When: Nov. 18, 9 a.m.

Degree Graduate Students

Where: World Wide Web -or- Registrar’s Office, Netzer 130
When: Nov. 18, 9 a.m.

Non-Degree Students

Returning Students
Where: World Wide Web -or- Extended and Community Learning (ExCL) Center, 215 Hunt Union
When: TBA (January)

(Information will be sent to new non-degree undergraduates concerning specific time for registration.)


A student may elect to receive Pass/Fail grading in a course, provided the following conditions are met. Pass/Fail grading must be done at the Registrar’s Office (Netzer 130).

  1. A student must have successfully completed one full semester’s work at Oneonta to be eligible for this option.
  2. Except for courses for which a department has designated Pass/Fail grading, a student may elect only one course per academic semester or summer session to a total of four (4) such semester or summer courses for his/her entire SUNY Oneonta program.
  3. Normally, a student may not elect Pass/Fail grading for required courses in his/her major or specialization, minor, courses taken to satisfy a Basic Curriculum or General Education requirement, or for courses designated by a department as not subject to student option.
  4. A student may take a Pass/Fail option in a required supporting course that is not listed as part of the major field requirement.
  5. A student who has completed his/her major field requirement may take additional hours in his/her major department for Pass/Fail credit.
  6. The student must request Pass/Fail grading at the Registrar’s Office. The final day for changing the request will be the last day of the Add/Drop Period. A student indicating Pass/Fail status may change to a graded basis by indicating this change on an Add/Drop Form. This form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before two-thirds of the course has been completed. The final date for these changes shall be set by the Registrar. See Key Dates and Deadlines, a list of important dates published each semester and distributed to students and faculty.
  7. The criterion for “Pass” will be the achievement of the minimum requirements of the course.
  8. The “Pass/Fail” will be entered on the student transcript and the hours successfully completed will count as credits for graduation. Hours graded “Pass/Fail” will not be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average.

Degree Students

All students must be formally admitted to SUNY Oneonta. Those interested in an undergraduate degree must apply through the Admissions Office. Those interested in a graduate degree program must apply through the Graduate Admissions Office.

Non-degree Students

Non-degree students are those who are interested in taking courses for personal or professional enrichment. Non-degree students must apply for admission through the Extended and Community Learning (ExCL) Center. Students may not apply for non-degree status if they have previously been a matriculated student at SUNY Oneonta. These students must apply for readmission through the Academic Advisement Office.

Visiting Students

Visiting students are those undergraduate students in good standing at another accredited college or university who are taking courses at SUNY Oneonta. Official transcripts of all previous college work must be submitted to SUNY Oneonta’s ExCL Center.

Visiting students who desire to transfer credit from SUNY Oneonta must submit a written request to the Registrar’s Office for an official transcript to be sent to their home institution. Students are strongly encouraged to seek written approval from their home institution prior to enrolling in courses at SUNY Oneonta.

  1. You must use a computer with access to the World Wide Web.
  2. Log into your myOneonta account using your Oneonta username and password.

See a video tutorial on how to register

  1. When you register for courses, always print your schedule when you are done. Your printed schedule will be your receipt for your registration, so check it carefully to be sure it is correct.
  2. To protect your privacy you must:
    1. Click EXIT at the top right of the webpage.
    2. In the top right corner of the myOneonta window click Logout.
    3. Close your web browser.

The Registrar’s Staff will be available to help in the Registrar’s Office or by telephone at 607-436-2531. The hours of the help line will be: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

All students taking 6 or more credits must meet the following 2 immunization requirements to be eligible to attend SUNY Oneonta. NYS Public Health Law 2165 - proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. Proof of vaccine status consists of two doses of live measles vaccine administered after 12 months of age and after 1/1/1957; one dose of live mumps vaccine and one dose of live rubella vaccine both administered after 12 months of age. NYS Public Health Law 2167 - provide each student with information about meningococcal disease and prevention strategies and also requires students to provide the Health Center with vaccination date or a record declining the vaccination. SUNY Oneonta cannot permit students to attend more than 30 days without complying with these laws.

Billing and Payment

Semester bills for matriculated undergraduates are available online in early January. Included in the bill are charges for tuition, the comprehensive student fee, room and dining (if applicable) and optional fees. Matriculated undergraduates are billed based on full-time attendance regardless of registration at the time of billing. Part-time students may adjust their bill based on anticipated enrollment. Graduate and non-degree students are billed based on actual registration with a billing due date of mid-January. Graduate and non-degree students will receive a postcard.

How to Clear Your Bill

To clear your bill you must sign the semester Authorization Statement and submit appropriate payment. The Authorization Statement is required for all students, even those whose charges are covered by financial aid or other credits.

Tuition and Fees

Information about appeals/waivers for the Comprehensive Student Fee. Information about withdrawing from a class(es) and liability.


The appropriate tuition rate is determined by a combination of student status and course level.

  1. Undergraduate degree candidates will be charged at the undergraduate tuition rate.
  2. Graduate degree candidates will be charged at the graduate rate.
  3. Non-degree students will be charged based on the course level as shown below.
    1000 to 4999 level courses - undergraduate
    5000 to 6999 level courses - graduate

Special Charges

  • Late Registration - $40.00
  • Late Add/Drop - $20.00
  • Administrative Fee - $30.00
  • Late Payment - $30.00
  • Returned Checks - $20.00

It is critical that you follow the proper withdrawal procedure should you decide not to attend one or more classes or to discontinue attendance once you have begun. Students who are dropping their entire course load may not use the Schedule Adjustment Form to do so. Degree-seeking students must process a Voluntary Withdrawal form with the Student Affairs Office (Netzer 119).

Continuing education students must report their withdrawal to the Extended and Community Learning (ExCL) Center. You must follow withdrawal procedures if you decide not to attend one or more courses that you have registered for. If not attending at all, notify the ExCL Center, in writing, before the first class session. You will not be charged under these circumstances, and any monies paid will be refunded. If you are in attendance but later withdraw from any course, obtain a withdrawal form from the ExCL Center, have the instructor(s) sign the form, and submit the completed form to the ExCL Center. Liability for Tuition and Fees depends on the day of withdrawal, as noted below.

Tuition / Fee Liability

If you complete the withdrawal process before the first day of classes, you will not be liable for any charges, and any monies paid will be refunded. If you withdraw on or after the first day of classes, you will have liability (i.e. If you have paid, your refund will be reduced. If you have not paid, you owe SUNY Oneonta) On or after the first day of class of any course, you are liable for the SUNY Oneonta Fee of $1.70 per hour. Tuition and fee liability is calculated based on the SUNY mandated schedule at the link above.

Federal Financial Aid Eligibility

Federal financial aid is based on the percentage of time the student is in attendance. Eligibility will be calculated as of the day of withdrawal and any unearned portion will be returned to the aid program. The student will be billed for any aid disbursed to SUNY Oneonta that is not earned. This calculation will occur whether a student officially withdraws or simply stops attending classes. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for further information.