Web Services Information

Social Security Number Policy
SUNY Oneonta

The New York State Legislature passed a law limiting the use of student Social Security numbers by all levels of public and private educational institutions. The legislation is effective July 1, 2001.

All faculty, staff and students at SUNY Oneonta will be assigned a unique Oneonta identification number (Oneonta ID#).

The Oneonta ID# will be used on all reports or documents where Social Security Numbers had previously been used unless a Social Security Number is essential. For example, this legislation does not restrict the routine use of student Social Security numbers as permitted or required by law, in connection with such activities as admission and transfer of students, official transcripts, student employment, and the administration of student financial aid.

University Implementation Plan

SUNY Oneonta converted to the Oneonta ID# for all students, faculty and staff on May 20, 2001.

To obtain your Oneonta ID#:

  1. Go to myOneonta
  2. Login with your User Name and Password
  3. Click on "Faculty Web Services" or "Student Web Services"
  4. Click on "Personal & User Account Information."
  5. Click on "View Oneonta ID#."


  1. Your Oneonta ID# will replace your social security number on class rosters, grade scan sheets, advisement documents and other reports.
  2. You are strongly encouraged to learn your Oneonta ID# and use it in place of your social security number whenever you are conducting business with SUNY Oneonta. If you choose, you may still use your social security number when conducting business with SUNY Oneonta.
  3. If you forget your Oneonta ID#, you will be able to receive services at the student service offices and access online services with your social security number.
  4. Your social security number will still be used when required by law (ie. Financial Aid).
  5. Faculty have been instructed not to use your Oneonta ID# or any part of it to post grades. Please alert the Registrar if your Oneonta ID# is being used to post grades.


  1. Everyone employed by SUNY Oneonta has a record on the university database, along with his/her social security number.
  2. All social security numbers have been replaced on Banner with a randomly generated ID number (Oneonta ID#) the same length as your social security number. This will make your social security number unavailable to Banner users.
  3. Academic department administrative assistants will be able to generate a listing of their faculty containing the faculty Oneonta ID#, for use when entering course schedules on Banner. Administrative Assistants will also be able to search the database for a faculty member's Oneonta ID# using the faculty name.
  4. Faculty may obtain their Oneonta ID# inside the secure area of the Faculty Web Services page by clicking on "Personal Information" then, View Oneonta ID#.
  5. Student Oneonta ID#'s will replace the social security numbers on class rosters, grade scan sheets, advisement documents and other reports distributed to departments.
  6. Faculty must treat students' Oneonta ID# in the same manner as the social security number; e.g. they may not post grades using the Oneonta ID# or any part thereof.
  7. The text on all paper forms which currently require social security number should be changed to Oneonta ID#.
  8. Student service offices should now ask for the Oneonta ID# rather than the social security number.
  9. SUNY Oneonta encourages students to learn and use their Oneonta ID#. However, students may use their social security number when conducting business with SUNY Oneonta, if they so choose.

Questions should be directed to Maureen Artale, University Registrar 607-436-3216.

You can find your advisor's name in two ways:

  1. It is listed on top of your Advisement Document (Arrow Sheet)
    1. Go to myOneonta
    2. Login with your User Name and Password
    3. Click on DegreeWorks
    4. Your advisor's name is listed on the top right
  2. It is located inside the web services area.
    1. Go to myOneonta
    2. Login with your User Name and Password
    3. Click on My Student Profile
    4. Your Advisor's name and contact information is available on this page.

Your appointment time for registration is available online, go to myOneonta

  1. Login with your User Name and Password.
  2. Click on "My Student Profile."
  3. Select the term you are looking to register for from the drop-down above your profile picture.
  4. Click on "Registration Notices" on the top right-hand corner of the profile page.

Your registration time will be displayed along with other information including any holds (found on Holds tab) that exist on your record. You must clear all holds prior to your registration time.

To view your grades online:

  1. Go to myOneonta
  2. Login using your User Name and Password
  3. Click on My Student Profile
  4. Select View Grades
  5. If you have a hold on your record, your grades will not be displayed. All holds must be cleared for a student to receive or view his/her final grades. To view your holds click on View Holds.

If you need a paper copy of your final grades, please contact the Registrar's Office. Printed copies will be mailed when requested by the student.

We are very excited about the services we are able to offer through the web; students have the ability to access their own information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have any questions regarding student services please feel free to contact our office by phone 607-436-3216 or e-mail Maureen.Artale@oneonta.edu

To view the existing holds on your record:

  1. Go to myOneonta
  2. Login with your User Name and Password
  3. Click on "My Student Profile"
  4. Click on “Holds” in the upper right-hand corner of your student profile page

A list of your current holds will be displayed with the office that placed it. Questions about each hold should be directed to the appropriate office.

The first time you log into the student web services site you will be asked to enter a security question. This question and answer will be used in the future if you forget your password. Please make the question and answer something personal that you will remember in the future. You should protect your privacy by making the question and answer something only you know.

In the event you have forgotten your password follow these steps:

  1. Go to myOneonta
  2. Click on "Forgot Password."
  3. Answer the security question.
  4. You will be asked to enter a new password and verify that new password.
  5. Click "Submit" and you have successfully logged in.

First you must go to my Oneonta and login. Select Faculty Web Services.

  1. On the Faculty Web Services Landing Page, select Class List.
  2. Click on the course number (Subject column) to see the list of students in your class.
  3. In the top right-hand corner on the Class list page - click on Export.
  4. Select your preferred excel file format and click Export.
  5. The file will be downloaded to your computer. You can then open your Excel file from your Downloads file folder.

If you have questions about or problems with this process, call the Help Desk at 607-436-4567. If prompted - log in using your Single-Sign on.