Student Interim Progress

Please use the scale below when interpreting Interim Progress Grades:

Grading Scale for Mid-Term Grades - Undergraduate

3 - Exceeds minimum requirements*

  • A through C; or Pass for pass/fail grading.

2 - Meets minimum requirements*

  • C- through D-.

1 - Below minimum requirements*

  • Grade of “E”, “Fail” for Pass/Fail grading.

0 - Faculty unable to provide evaluation.

NR - An interim progress grade was not submitted for this course.

Blank - Interim Grades do not apply (usually this is a mini or half-semester course) OR you withdrew from this course.

Grading Scale for Mid-Term Grades - Graduate

3 - Exceeds minimum requirements*

  • Grades of “A” through “B+” in courses that require a minimum grade of a “B”.
  • Grades of “A” through “B” in courses that require a minimum grade of a “B-“.
  • “Pass” for Pass/Fail grading.

2 - Meets minimum requirements*

  • Grade of “B” in courses that require a minimum grade of a “B”.
  • Grade of “B-” in courses that require a minimum grade of a “B-“.

1 - Below minimum requirements*

  • Grades of “C+” or lower.
  • Grade of “B-” in courses that require a minimum grade of a “B”.
  • “Fail” for Pass/Fail grading.

0 - Faculty unable to provide evaluation.

NR - An interim progress grade was not submitted for this course.

Blank - Interim Grades do not apply (usually this is a mini or half-semester course) OR you withdrew from this course.

*minimum requirements for earning credit for a course; individual majors may require higher grades in specific courses or for courses serving as a prerequisite.

You are registered for all courses listed on your interim progress report except those with a "W" grade (your midterm grade will be blank). If you are not attending one or more of the courses listed and you wish to withdraw, please come to the Registrar's Office prior to the last day to withdraw from a full semester course. Consult the Key Dates and Deadlines for the appropriate date.

To view your interim progress grades online:

  1. Go to myOneonta.
  2. Login using your Username and Password.
  3. Click on Student Web Services on the left side of the screen.
  4. Select View Grades from the Student Landing Page.
  5. Select the term you wish to view your interim grades for from the Term drop-down.

You will not be able to view your grades online if you have a hold on your record.