Final Grading

  1. Go to myOneonta.
  2. Login using your Username and Password.
  3. Click [Faculty Web Services].
  4. You should be on the Faculty Web Services landing page.
  5. Click on [Grade Entry].
  6. From the Final Grades tab, Select desired Course, students in the course will display on the bottom portion of your screen.
  7. Enter grades by clicking on grade box for each student and selecting appropriate grade.
  8. Submit grades by clicking on [Save] at the bottom of the grade page. The page will “Refresh” after you click Save.
  9. When all grades have been entered for a course the Grading Status will change to Completed for that course. Be mindful that there may be more than 1 page of students to grade. (25 entries are shown at one time).
  10. Don’t forget to log out. After clicking the [Save] box, click on Sign Out at the top right of the screen (found under the drop-down when the silhouette is clicked).


  • Grades are due within 48 hours after the last final of finals week for all faculty.
  • Please do not enter a date in the column titled “Last Attend Date.” This column is to be used for withdrawing a student from your class prior to the Withdrawal Deadline.
  • Please click Save often. There is a 10 minute time limit.
  • If you notice a grading error after you have submitted web grades, you will be able to make changes UNTIL grades are rolled to the students’ academic history. Grades will appear in the pull down box until they have been rolled, at which point they will be “frozen” on your web page. During final grading, grades are rolled each night.
  • Academic Standing cannot be calculated until all grades have been submitted.


Call Maureen Artale at 607-436-3216 or e-mail