Faculty Reference Guide

Registration Reminders

Adding Courses – No signatures are required for courses to be added during the first 5 class days of the semester UNLESS:

  • The course is closed.
  • The course requires department or instructor approval.
  • The student has not met the course prerequisite.
  • The student has a time conflict (additional documentation required).

From the 6th to the 10th class day of the semester (day following 3rd class for 2nd half and mini-courses) students must obtain your signature to add your class.

The student must take the signed form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Please check one of the two options when signing add forms:

Option #1: Only if seats available

Option #2: Overriding all restrictions.

You may also use the Override Option on the web: Online Overrides. The student must then register for the course via the web.

You may not hand add a student to rosters. We encourage you to take attendance during the first week of classes and advise students not on your roster of their responsibility to register for the course.

Dropping Courses – Students do not need your signature to drop your course. Students must drop courses prior to the last date to withdraw from an individual course.

Students may drop/withdraw from full semester courses via the web until the last day to withdraw from the individual part of term.

Students still enrolled must receive a final grade (not an Incomplete or “W” grade). See Withdrawal for Reasons of Poor Attendance below.

Withdrawal For Reasons Of Poor Attendance

Faculty may check up to the minute enrollment in their courses via the web.

Faculty Web Services

First Week – A student must attend one of the first two class hours in each course, as well as the first laboratory (if applicable) or you may declare the student’s place in a course vacant.

After The First Week – After the 5th class day, up until the last date to withdraw from an individual course, you may request an “Involuntary Withdrawal” for any student who has missed 25% of scheduled class meetings.

If you wish to remove a student from your roster, you may do so in one of two ways:

  1. via your web roster – written instructions are given sent to all faculty at the beginning of each part of term
  2. e-mail the Registrar's Office (registrar@oneonta.edu) indicating course CRN, student name, and identification number

In all cases, please indicate last date of attendance, if known. No withdrawals will be processed after the withdrawal deadline.


Grading Reminders

Posting Grades - Federal law (FERPA) prohibits posting grades using student names and/or identification numbers. However, it is permissible to post by a code name or number (not the Oneonta I.D. number, social security number, or any part thereof) agreed to by the student and you. Also, please scramble the names on your roster before assigning code names, so that a posting does not reflect an alphabetical listing of your roster. If you use the web to inform students of grades on course assignments, tests, etc., you must also assign a code name. It is also against FERPA regulations to leave students’ graded work in a general pick up area. Graded coursework must be returned individually to students. Please be aware that under no circumstances may a listing of student names and ID numbers, or any part thereof, be posted for any reason. Violations of this law can result in termination of Federal funding to SUNY Oneonta.

Grade Changes Once you have assigned a final grade, it may not be changed unless you discover a computational error. A grade change form must be completed, describing the error and must be signed by your department chair. You must not permit students to submit missing work or extra credit to improve a final grade, nor may you re-evaluate an individual’s coursework. If twelve months have elapsed since the grade was issued, no grade change will be made.

Incomplete Grades (I) - Students may request an Incomplete grade when a majority of the coursework has been completed, but due to circumstances beyond their control, they are not able to complete the final assignments. You may not assign an incomplete without the student’s knowledge. Missed work must be able to be made up independently. Students must not re-register for the course in order to make up the Incomplete. An Incomplete Grade Agreement Form must be submitted by the instructor for each incomplete assigned. Incomplete grades may not be changed to a “W” at a later date.

Pending Grades (PEN) – The PEN grade may be assigned when you discover a specific skill deficiency in writing or reading in a student’s work, but not in place of an “E” or an “I” grade. Students are required to start remediation during the next semester in residence. If you assign a PEN grade, you must also complete a Student Notification of Pending Grade form. The deadlines to resolve PEN grades are the same as that for Incomplete grades, listed above.

Repeating Courses – Students may repeat a course to improve their grade point average. If the course was initially taken in the Fall of 1994 or thereafter, only the higher grade will be calculated in the grade point average.

(NOTE: Both grades are calculated in the GPA, if the course was initially taken prior to the Fall of 1994.)