University Integrated Planning Council


The Integrated Planning Council (UIPC) serves as the hub for the planning and budgeting at SUNY Oneonta. It advises the President on issues that affect the future direction of the University. It draws upon input from across the institution to make recommendations and proposals on the institution’s future direction. The UIPC promotes greater transparency with respect to strategic decisions. Working with the president, it develops and maintains an integrated strategic planning process that tracks high-profile university activities and initiatives through the process of planning, budgeting, and assessment.

Visit the Forward Momentum Agenda Strategic Plan SharePoint Site

The UIPC will have two functioning sub-committees, the University Budget Committee(UBC) and the University Strategic Planning Committee(USPC).

The UBC shall:

  1. Review and advise the president on the creation of an annual budget in a multi-year planning context.
  2. Maintain a highly transparent, informative, and participatory budgeting process;
  3. Integrate campus strategic planning with the budgeting process;
  4. Analyze the budget context (e.g. state funding) and its impact on the institution; and
  5. Advise the president regarding the process of constructing annual divisional operating budgets and an overall university budget.

The USPC shall:

  1. Work with the President in the development and revision of the University’s Strategic Planning exercises.
  2. Monitor the plans of major academic and administrative units in implementing the University Strategic Plan.
  3. Promote continuous assessment and benchmarking of planning efforts.
  4. Prepare and periodically update planning assumptions to guide planning.
  5. Identify strategic issues and options through ongoing analysis of the University's internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to its external opportunities and threats.
  6. Facilitate adequate communication about planning issues and processes with the University community


  • president or designee (UIPC Convener);
  • vice president of finance and administration (UBC chair);
  • vice president of student affairs; (USPC Chair)
  • provost and vice-president of academic affairs;
  • vice president of university advancement;
  • vice president for equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer;
  • two classified staff representatives;
  • university Senate presiding officer;
  • member of Senate Steering committee;
  • Student Association president;
  • Student Association vice president for finance;
  • two AA Deans’ Council representatives;
  • three AVPs one each from F&A, SA, UA
  • four from Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation members (at least one from professional faculty);
  • two from Committee on administrative Review members (one from instructional faculty & one from professional faculty);
  • chief human resources officer;
  • chief enrollment officer
  • chief of staff and director of executive communications


  • director of institutional research
  • assessment specialist
  • AVP for facilities and planning
  • university planning coordinator
  • budget director