Privacy Rooms

SUNY Oneonta’s commitment to being a safe and welcoming Learning & Living Environment means that we consider the needs of students and employees in all stages of life. To accommodate the needs of mothers who breastfeed or individuals with physical health challenges requiring a discreet space for management, SUNY Oneonta has established three “Privacy Rooms” across campus.

The Privacy Rooms provide a comfortable, quiet place, free from intrusion, where for example:

  • mothers can express breast milk or actively breastfeed a child
  • an individual can self-administer medication by injection, manage an insulin pump or chemotherapy equipment
  • a nebulizer or other equipment could be used

The privacy rooms are located at Netzer 312, Milne Library 310 G, and Morris Hall 107 B. These rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis during regular building hours. No reservation is required.

Netzer 131 Privacy Room.  Inquire at the Lobby Information Desk or call the Call Center at 607-436-2909
Walking Directions: Entering at the Lobby Doors from either the quad or parking lot side, the elevator pair with television above will get you oriented. Enter the elevator and go to the third floor. Exiting from the left of the elevator, the first door on the the left about 40 feet down the corridor is the Netzer 312 Privacy Room.

You can use the Netzer 312 Privacy Room at any time that the building is open, 6 AM to 9 PM, Monday through Friday. Inquire at the Visitors' Desk in the 141 Lobby for access.

Milne 310G Privacy Room.  Inquire at Library Circulation Desk at first floor main entry.
Walking directions: If you get off the elevator at the third floor, turn right and then turn right again in ten feet. Proceed straight, passing a side corridor to bathrooms, and pass through a set of open fire doors to the third floor stack area. Turn right about five feet past the doors. After another twenty feet turn right again and encounter a pair of outswing doors. Through these, and straight ahead fifteen feet is the Milne 310G Privacy Room.

The Milne 310G Privacy Room is available at any time the Library is open. Stop at the Circulation Desk on the first floor to inquire about access.

Morris 107B Privacy Room.  Inquire at Morris Complex Service Desk at Main Entry.
Walking Directions: At Main Entrance Lobby in Morris, turn right and proceed down the main corridor. Keep to the left wall to avoid obstructions on the right walls. When you reach the end of the corridor there is a secured door to Denison Hall. Backtrack along the opposite corridor wall - the second-to-last door is 107, and provides access to the Morris 107B Privacy Room.

The Morris Privacy Room is available 7 days a week, 6 AM to 9 PM. Inquire at the Morris Hall front desk at room 116 for directions.

In using these Privacy Rooms, individuals should remember that others will precede and follow, so a reasonable period of time is necessary and cleanup is a must. These rooms do not offer a sink, or disposal of what might ordinarily be considered medical waste, so it is important for users to manage those aspects themselves.

Feel free to contact Deb Wolfanger, Office of Facilities and Safety at 607-436-2621, if you have questions or concerns.