Board Member Description

Position Description:

The Standing Disciplinary Board is responsible for hearing cases regarding alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Cases are referred to the Board by the Office of Community Standards. Upon review of a case, the Board makes a determination as to whether or not a policy violation has occurred and recommends sanctions to the Office of Community Standards. Sanctions may range from an official warning up to and including dismissal from SUNY Oneonta.

Board Members will:

  • Listen to and review evidence presented during a hearing.
  • Seek answers to all questions pertaining to statements and information/evidence presented.
  • Determine whether or not a student is in violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Recommend appropriate sanctions to the Office of Community Standards.
  • Maintain strict confidentiality for all cases reviewed.
  • Engage students involved in the judicial process respectfully and in a positive manner.

Selection Process:

A full capacity Standing Disciplinary Board consists of committed and trained faculty/staff and students who are invested in their position as a board member. An active board is made of 3 faculty staff members and 2 students. Three faculty/Staff members are elected by the faculty at large from a slate of at least three nominees. Additional faculty/staff members are appointed by members of the Student Affairs Division. Student members of the Board are appointed by the President of the University following consultation with the Student Association President

Time Commitment:

Elected faculty/staff members will serve a 3 year term, while appointed faculty/staff members will serve a 1 year term. Student members of the Board are appointed for a 1 year term.

All Board members are expected to arrange their schedule to be available to serve on a hearing board when needed. Typically, Board members are notified of a hearing a week in advance. Most hearings will last approximately 3 hours in duration.

Required Qualifications:

All faculty/staff members of the Board must be currently employed by SUNY Oneonta to serve. Undergraduate and graduate students must meet the following requirements to be eligible for appointment:

  • Must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
  • Must have 25 credit hours completed by time of appointment.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Knowledge of the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Effective problem solving and critical thinking skills.
  • The ability to effectively work with others.
  • Openness to, and respect for, differences.
  • The ability to be impartial and think objectively.


Board members will receive extensive training regarding Student Conduct procedures, listening skills, questioning techniques, and deliberation skills. Trainings will be held at the beginning of each semester. Additionally, there is an eight hour asynchronous or synchronous training that occur each year that each Board member must participate in. This eight-hour training will cover the SUNY Title IX policies and procedures.

*If you have questions about becoming a Board Member, please contact The Office of Community Standards– 607-436-3353.


Community Standards
119 Netzer Admin. Building
Phone 607-436-3353
Fax 607-436-2283