Statement of Student Responsibilities

As members of the SUNY Oneonta community, we have responsibilities to ourselves, to others, and to the world around us. To uphold the shared values of our community, you are expected to:

Embrace learning

Our faculty and staff are committed to your academic success--the primary focus of our campus community. In turn, they expect your best individual efforts and dedication to your work, which you demonstrate through attentive participation in classes, active involvement in the academic and co-curricular programs of the campus, and productive use of SUNY Oneonta's educational resources.

Commit to civil behavior

All members of the SUNY Oneonta community are expected to respect others and their differences because our human environment values diversity. You should respect SUNY Oneonta, its reputation, and your physical surroundings. We all also need to recognize the duties of our multiple citizenships--as members of our campus, the Oneonta area, and the global community.

Enhance your personal development

Your education should develop your ability to function as a contributing member of our society. You will find countless opportunities to participate in student life activities, athletics, and leadership training, all of which develop skills which will serve you well for the rest of your life. And since service to others is a hallmark of SUNY Oneonta, you are urged to enhance your own growth through volunteerism.

Adopted by President's Cabinet April 4, 2000


Community Standards
119 Netzer Admin. Building
Phone 607-436-3353
Fax 607-436-2283