About the Office of Community Standards

Vinnie Gravanda

Vinnie Gravanda
Interim Associate Director

Sarah Barber

Sarah Barber

Mia Abazis

Mia Abazis
Interim Hearing Officer

Department Mission and Vision

In support of the missions of SUNY Oneonta and Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Community Standards fosters student learning, personal integrity, and ethical development while promoting a safe and healthy campus environment by enforcing SUNY Oneonta’s community expectations through an educationally-focused adjudication process. The Office of Community Standards assists in the development of positive decision-making skills that impact students’ lives and prepares them to enter a global society while promoting healthy and safe lifestyles.

The Office of Community Standards is also guided by the following Vision:

  • Provide a fair, consistent, educationally-focused process for students who allegedly violate the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Serve as a resource for faculty and staff to support students experiencing crisis situations.
  • Serve as the “go to” office for Residential Life, Athletics, and other offices seeking information and training about the areas of community development and ethics.
  • Utilize Restorative Justice practices for community building and as an alternative to traditional conduct hearings, as appropriate.
  • Serve as a resource for students living off-campus throughout the process – from searching for an apartment to interacting positively with their neighbors and contributing positively to the greater Oneonta community.
  • Provide leadership and educational opportunities for students who participate with our office as members of the standing discipline board, appeal panel, and restorative justice process.


Community Standards
119 Netzer Admin. Building
Phone 607-436-3353
Fax 607-436-2283