Records Retention

The SUNY Records Management Plan supports the Strategic Plan and it is critical for each campus to follow through with the plan on a regular basis. The Records Management Officer must submit an annual report to the Chancellor’s office by September 1 of each year. All disposition actions should be included as well as a destruction inventory.

The two schedules we are required to follow are the State University of New York Records Retention and Disposition Schedule and the General Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York State Government Records. The SUNY schedule takes precedence over the General Schedule. The General Schedule should be referred to when an item cannot be found in the SUNY Schedule. All records, including electronic records, are subject to the retention schedule. It is just as important to destroy records when the schedule dictates as it is to save them for the required length of time.

Records should be boxed in standard size file boxes marked clearly with the record type and destruction date. Records containing sensitive information such as I.D. numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, etc. should be kept in a secure location and destroyed appropriately.

A Records Retention Destruction form needs to be filled out when records are destroyed. The completed form needs to be sent to the RMO (Records Management Officer) for reporting purposes.

If you need assistance in understanding the schedules, determining what category a record falls under, or have any other questions, please contact the Office of Finance and Administration at 607-436-2081.


SUNY Compliance Contacts

Rebecca O'Donnell
Records Management Officer

200 Netzer Administration Building
SUNY Oneonta
108 Ravine Parkway
Oneonta, NY 13820