College Assistance Migrant Program

2022-2023 CAMP Ambassadors
Studying outside Fitzelle
4 of 6 Russos

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The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) assists students from migrant and/or seasonal farm working backgrounds in their first-year transition to college by providing academic, financial, and personal support as well as supplemental educational opportunities to help reach their goals at SUNY Oneonta and beyond.

CAMP is a federally funded scholarship program specifically designed to support students from migrant and seasonal farm working families in the pursuit of higher education. Established in 1981, CAMP has successfully helped thousands of students accomplish their educational goals nationwide.

CAMP aims to facilitate college access for 25 students annually through recruitment, application help, and financial assistance and to support college success through academic skill building, emotional and social adjustment support, and community development. CAMP participants must attend and complete their first year at SUNY Oneonta and participate in program activities to receive their scholarship. In addition to providing student support, CAMP also engages families to ease the transition to college and strengthen and extend student support systems.

There are 51 CAMP projects nationwide, but SUNY Oneonta CAMP is the only project in New York State. SUNY Oneonta CAMP was established in 2001 and has served hundreds of students in their pursuit of a four-year college degree.


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111 Wilsbach Hall
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 607-436-3059
Fax: 607-436-2288