Citizen Compliment & Complaint

Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints

Community feedback is essential to our community police model. Formal compliments, suggestions and complaints may be made in-person, by electronic mail or postal service using the Compliment, Suggestion and Complaint form. The forms and stamped envelopes may also be picked up at the University Police Department located in the Emergency Service Building.

The New York State University Police Department at Oneonta will investigate all complaints concerning employee misconduct or breach of duty in a forthright, professional and timely manner and act upon the findings of those investigations, to the best interest of the department and the community it serves.

Complaint Receipt

Complaints must be received in writing using the department complaint form which is available in the lobby of the police station or through the department’s website.

Any member of this department receiving a complaint regarding an employee will immediately notify an on-duty supervisor and advise the complainant of the submission procedures.

The supervisor shall direct the complaint to utilize a department complaint form, which shall be deemed and handled as personal/confidential material. The complainant, accused and the facts shall be recorded on this form.

The documented complaint will be forwarded directly to the Chief of Police for investigation and action.

Complaint Investigation

The responsibility for the investigation of all complaints against an employee lies with the Chief of Police.

All complaints will be investigated whenever they contain sufficient factual information to warrant such an investigation.

Each complaint will be investigated to a logical conclusion.

Notification of Disposition

The complainant will be advised that a complaint has been received and if it is being investigated. Upon the adjudication of a citizen generated complaint, the complainant will be notified as to the results of the investigation conducted. Unless an exigent circumstance exits, the only information that will be released by the Chief of Police with regard to the outcome of an internal investigation is whether administrative action has been taken or not been taken in the matter.

NOTE: Investigations of departmental personnel will be conducted in accordance with New York State Civil Service Rules and Regulations and the collective bargaining agreements established between the employee bargaining agencies and the State of New York.

In addition to the formal complaint/suggestion/compliment process community members may request to speak with a University Police supervisor any time they observe department activity that raises concern. Supervisors will respond upon request which may be made of any patrol officer or by calling our dispatch desk at (607)436-3550.