Mission Statement

The University Police Department at SUNY Oneonta was established primarily to maintain and preserve the peace on campus. It also serves to protect the life and property of all the individuals who utilize SUNY Oneonta facilities including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The University Police Department recruit personnel who are able to relate to and be part of the SUNY Oneonta community.

In order to do an effective job, the University Police Department also solicits the aid of all segments of the campus community to help us protect and serve all campus personnel, physical facilities, and property. The University Police Department recognizes its obligation to conduct its activities and treat all persons in a lawful, fair, equitable, and evenhanded manner without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, political affiliation, or personal interest.

The University Police Department is operated as a basic crime prevention, service, and enforcement unit. University Police is the only 24-hour department on campus which the campus community can depend for services at any hour of the day or night. Good service depends on the immediate response to any given situation. While SUNY Oneonta sleeps, University Police is called upon for services which cannot be given by others. The campus community deserves a law enforcement operation that can act as a protective and preventive force that can respond intelligently, swiftly and effectively to any emergency or other situation.


The SUNY Oneonta University Police Department is accredited by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). The University Police received their accreditation on June 14, 2012.

Accreditation Program

Accreditation is a progressive and contemporary way of helping police agencies evaluate and improve their overall performance. It provides formal recognition that an organization meets or exceeds general expectations of quality in the field. Accreditation acknowledges the implementation of policies that are conceptually sound and operationally effective.

The New York State program became operational in 1989 and has four principal goals:

  1. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement agencies utilizing existing personnel, equipment and facilities to the extent possible;
  2. To promote increased cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies and other agencies of the criminal justice services;
  3. To ensure the appropriate training of law enforcement personnel;and
  4. To promote public confidence.

The Accreditation Program is comprised of 133 standards and is divided into three categories. Standards in the Administrative section have provisions for such topics as agency organization, fiscal management, personnel practices, and records. Training standards encompass basic and in-service instruction, as well as training for supervisors and specialized or technical assignments. Operations standards deal with such critical and litigious topics as high-speed pursuits, roadblocks, patrol, and unusual occurrences.

NY State Division of Criminal Justice Services Accreditation Program Information