Help With Studying

Don't know how to take good notes? Have trouble remembering what you've read? Go blank when you take a test? Don't know how to prepare for a test? Need help with writing? We know how to help!

Our Academic Coaches can help you develop skills that will help you in all your courses.

How do I sign up for an Academic Coach?

To sign up for any of the professional tutoring services we offer in writing, study skills, reading or math -- you will use Tracktion, our online scheduling service.

  • Be sure to fill out all the information screens; without all your information, we won't be able to assign you a coach. Immediately after you complete the signup process in Tracktion, you should receive an email at the address you provided. If you don't receive an email within a few minutes, check your Junk and clutter folders. If you still can't find it, you should call 607-436-3010 or email us at
  • If you put your information on the website incorrectly or incompletely, you should receive an email asking you to complete your application. Please note that you will also receive this email if you leave less than 6 hours open in your schedule.
  • When you're ready to sign up, go to the Tracktion website. Click on "Apply for Tutoring" and fill out all the requested information on all the screens.

TRACKTION - Use Oneonta login

Check out our Workshops

Another great resource is our slate of free writing, study skills, and self-management workshops. These are offered in person, and many offer LEAD credit.

Register for a Workshop (Use Oneonta login)