Undergraduate Readmission

Students who wish to return to SUNY Oneonta and who have not yet earned a SUNY Oneonta degree must apply for readmission.

Students must apply for readmission in order to resume taking classes if any of these conditions apply:

  1. Student withdrew from SUNY Oneonta
  2. Student was administratively withdrawn
  3. Student was academically dismissed

Filing an application is not a guarantee of readmission. Academic performance, disciplinary history, and space availability are just some of the factors considered.

Students who withdrew or were administratively withdrawn from the institution may apply for readmission without regard to time of absence from SUNY Oneonta and return with their last Oneonta GPA and academic standing.

Students who were academically dismissed must meet one of the following:

  • At least one full calendar year will have elapsed between the date of dismissal and the beginning of the term of readmission AND a minimum of 12 s.h. of college coursework will have been completed with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA at another regionally accredited institution. If more than 12 s.h. are completed, all coursework will be considered in the application review.
  • At least two full calendar years will have elapsed between the date of dismissal and the beginning of the term of readmission AND the student provides evidence of alternative actions taken that demonstrate the capacity to succeed at SUNY Oneonta. If any college coursework was completed since dismissal, the grades earned will be considered in the review process.

Please review the academic reinstatement policy for dismissed students for readmission options.

  • Submit the online Application for Readmission.
  • Submit $20.00 application fee through the Applicant Status page at the time of application submission. The application fee is waived for AOP and military affiliated students.
  • If you have attended any other institution(s) since leaving SUNY Oneonta, official transcripts must be sent from each institution attended, directly to the Office of Admissions.
  • If you have outstanding Student Accounts or Financial Aid holds on your account, these must be resolved before your application will be eligible for review.

The Student Progress and Status Committee will not make a final decision regarding your application until all holds are cleared and official transcripts are received, including current semester coursework if you are enrolled.

Readmission applications are to be submitted by the deadline dates for the term of readmission:

  • Fall: July 1
  • Spring: November 1
  • Summer: April 1 (only available to those students who can complete their degree requirements in the summer of readmission)

Generally, applications submitted after the deadline will be considered for the following term.

Upon successful readmission, Academic Advisement will evaluate your completed coursework from other colleges and award transfer credit. You will be notified via email when your transfer credit evaluation is complete.

If you have courses still in progress, you will need to request an additional transcript to be sent to Oneonta when your final grades are posted. Your credit evaluation will then be updated to include your final semester courses.

Readmitted students are required to complete the degree requirements that are in place at the time of their readmission.

Students who have been out of attendance for less than 2 years, and who need 6 s.h. or fewer to complete their degree, may opt to stay under previous requirements (does not apply to all majors).

Students who are readmitted will complete course registration at the mandatory orientation program prior to the start of the semester.

It may be possible for readmitted students to complete some or all of their Oneonta degree requirements at another institution by requesting an Academic Leave of Absence and obtaining prior approval from the Academic Advisement Center for transfer coursework. The SUNY Online Learning Network (Open SUNY) is a database of online course options from SUNY schools. Below is more detailed information about the process, along with links to all necessary forms:

  1. Submit request for Academic Leave of Absence
  2. Obtain prior approval for the course(s) you wish to take and transfer back to Oneonta
  3. Enroll in the approved course(s) at the transfer institution
  4. Complete the courses
  5. Have official transcripts sent to the Registrar's Office at Oneonta

Students who are interested in this option should work closely with the Academic Advisement Center. All degree requirements must be met, including residency credit, both overall and in the declared major.

On-campus housing may be limited. Readmitted students may need to secure off-campus housing. If you would like to attempt to obtain on-campus housing, you may reach Residence Life and Housing at 607-436-2514 or email Matthew D'Angelo at reslife@oneonta.edu.

If you plan on using financial aid at SUNY Oneonta, you are encouraged to reach out to Financial Aid to discuss your specific situation and plan for your return. Each student will be assigned a financial aid counselor to work with at Oneonta.

  • If you have not taken courses at another college while away from Oneonta and have not been receiving financial aid in the current year, you will need to apply for aid by filing the FAFSA and New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application. You should file for aid at the same time you apply for readmission.
  • If you have filed a FAFSA and TAP application for the current year, you will need to ensure Oneonta is listed as one of the colleges on your application so Oneonta, receives your financial information.
    • FAFSA Federal Student Code: 002847
    • TAP Undergraduate School Code: 0930

Students who are accepted for readmission to Oneonta and have filed for aid will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Office and receive a financial aid award in their myOneonta account.

Students will receive their SUNY Oneonta ID and username in the offer of readmission. Directions to reactive their myOneonta account will be included in their enrollment materials.

Spring 2025 Key Dates*
Date(s) Description
November 4 Housing Application Available
Late November Course Pre-Registration Survey Available
Mid December Early course pre-setting begins (for deposited students who have done the Course Pre-Registration Survey)

December 30

Health Forms Due

January 6 Deadline to submit Housing Application
January 13 Housing assignments released
January 19 New Student Arrival
January 20-21 New Student Orientation

January 20

Bills due

January 22

First Day of Classes

March 7 University closes after last class (Spring Break)
March 17 Classes resume
May 8 - May 14 Finals Week
May 17 Commencement

*Key Dates and Deadlines are tentative and subject to change

View Academic Calendar


Jolie Siegel
Transfer Admissions Counselor