Submitted/Pending Scholarly Activity Applications

Employing Learning Modules in Participatory Media to Promote Media Literacy and Critical Thinking in Armenia
Source: U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassy Yerevan
Funding Request: $99,734
Period: 10/2021-9/2023
Principal Investigator: Gayane Torosyan (Communication & Media)
This project aims to address the challenges of disinformation in social media by enhancing participants’ ability to evaluate the credibility of information sources while thinking critically as media consumers and content creators. In furtherance of this goal, the project will recruit mixed groups of media workers and members of the general public, aged 18 or higher, from the regional communities outside of Yerevan, Armenia, to participate in a series of six-week applied learning courses focusing on media literacy and social media, with critical thinking infused as an attribute in each course. The program will offer two courses on different topics during the first year, and three additional courses during the second year, if funding is available.

Community Rediscovery Project: African American Vernacular Architecture in Upstate New York
Source: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant to VAF and UVA
Funding Request: $249,918
Period: 5/2022-8/2024
Principal Investigator: Cynthia Falk (Cooperstown Graduate Program)
Through this project, the Cooperstown Graduate Program (CGP), a program of the State University of New York proposes to identify, document, and recognize businesses in upstate New York that served African Americans and were listed in Victor and Alma Green’s The Negro Motorist Green Book, published from 1936 to 1966.

Our History, Their Future: New York State History Day 2021-2022
Source: Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation
Funding Request: $124,990
Period: 10/2021-9/2022
Principal Investigator: Gretchen Sorin (Cooperstown Graduate Program)
Matching funds requested from the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation to assist SUNY/CGP to begin to serve as the NYS National History Day affiliate lead for NYS History Day (NYSHD) and to host the 2022 NYSHD event on the SUNY Oneonta campus in April 2022.